Fish Fanatic
so am cycling a new 200l at the moment (pH ~7.3) and am closing in on what i will stock it with. from my old tank i will be moving over a snakeskin barb, 2 glowlight tetras and 5 corys (cant find more snakeskins anywhere nor do i want more tetras but equally wont give them up after having them so long).
will be adding to the corys by buying or breeding (if i can) to get around 10 but would like some opinions on the following:
cherry barbs/checkered barbs - around 10 individuals initially - cant decide between these two as both are readily available and affordable to me. anyone have good things to say for either to convince me? leaning toward checkered atm.
gouramis - my favorite LFS stocks many types but i know some types like the dwarf are susceptible to illness etc, can i get opinions on which of the following would be best in my 200l with hardy being preferable please?
pearl, gold, moonlight, dwarf, honey, yellow honey, orange thick-lipped, blue dwarf, blue
am of course open to suggestions of other suitable and hardy species if you have any. dwarf neon rainbows were suggested to me before but i cant find them anywhere
thanks a lot for any responses. would really appreciate them!
so am cycling a new 200l at the moment (pH ~7.3) and am closing in on what i will stock it with. from my old tank i will be moving over a snakeskin barb, 2 glowlight tetras and 5 corys (cant find more snakeskins anywhere nor do i want more tetras but equally wont give them up after having them so long).
will be adding to the corys by buying or breeding (if i can) to get around 10 but would like some opinions on the following:
cherry barbs/checkered barbs - around 10 individuals initially - cant decide between these two as both are readily available and affordable to me. anyone have good things to say for either to convince me? leaning toward checkered atm.
gouramis - my favorite LFS stocks many types but i know some types like the dwarf are susceptible to illness etc, can i get opinions on which of the following would be best in my 200l with hardy being preferable please?
pearl, gold, moonlight, dwarf, honey, yellow honey, orange thick-lipped, blue dwarf, blue
am of course open to suggestions of other suitable and hardy species if you have any. dwarf neon rainbows were suggested to me before but i cant find them anywhere

thanks a lot for any responses. would really appreciate them!