Nano Fish Discussion


Fish Addict
Apr 24, 2012
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I thought I would do this so the good folks of this forum don't have to repeat themselves all the time.

Nano tanks are capable of housing fish but most of what your LFS will sell you is not suitable.
I will try and compile a list of nano fish that can be kept in nano tanks. Any which I miss or you do not think should be in the group they are in, tell me and I'll modify the list. This list will also not include shrimp because I have no idea what sized tank is suitable for what specie.

> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish)

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami)
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer)
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy)
Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (Dwarf Freshwater Puffer)

> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora)
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra)
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora)
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye)
Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)
Probably worth including the alternative name for Bororas Brigittae, "Chilli Rasbora", certainly my local MAs list them as Chilli, rather than Mosquito. This'll probably save some confusion.
Ok done thanks TLM.

Oh and if after a while you think this should be pinned, post in the pinning topics thread in board announcements and suggestions. Thanks. This is directed at all readers not just TLM.

Tek oot.
Ember tetras are already on the list I'll add Norman's Lampeye when I can edit my posts.
Tek oot.
Where are guppies? They should be in the 5 gallon part I think.
OK guys new and improved list-a-mundo, here you go:
> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish)

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami)
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer)
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy)
> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora)
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra)
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora)         
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye)

Soz, just thought of another, Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora). in the 7gal section.
Ok revised edition!

Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)



> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish)

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami)
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer)
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy)

> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora)
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra)
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora)
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye)
Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)
Dwarf puffers?  The thread on here says a single puffer can be kept in as little as 3 gallons, if you're manic about water changes.
3 gal? I'll put it on 5 gal just to be safe.

Tek oot.

Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (Dwarf Freshwater Puffer) - > 5 gal



> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish)

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami)
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer)
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy)
Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (Dwarf Freshwater Puffer)

> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora)
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra)
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora)
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye)
Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)
Ok thanks guys. Keep the suggestions coming, maybe we can get this pinned!

Tek oot.
Have updated your initial post TekFish, I think if we can get together some really great lists of nano species for each size, we can have either one or several pinned posts (per size?) but we need to up those species lists!
That said... here are a few more, mainly rasbora...
-= Microrasbora species list =-
Microrasbora erythromicron (Danio erythromicron, Emerald dwarf rasbora)
Microrasbora gatesi
Microrasbora kubotai
Microrasbora nana
Microrasbora rubescens
-= Boraras species list =-
Boraras brigittae
Boraras maculatus (Dwarf rasbora, Dwarf-spotted rasbora, Spotted rasbora, Pygmy rasbora)
Boraras merah
Boraras micros
Boraras urophthalmoides (Least rasbora, Exclamation-point rasbora)
Sundadanio axelrodi (axelrods rasbora?)
Licorice Gouramis (can find species lists but they arent commonly available...)
Chocolate Gouramis (as above).
Betta species (we can gett together a list?)
Microrasbora gatesi
Microrasbora kubotai
Microrasbora nana
Microrasbora rubescens
Boraras maculatus (Dwarf rasbora, Dwarf-spotted rasbora, Spotted rasbora, Pygmy rasbora)
Boraras merah
Boraras micros
Boraras urophthalmoides (Least rasbora, Exclamation-point rasbora)
Sundadanio axelrodi
Licorice Gouramis
Chocolate Gouramis
Betta species( Pugnax, Imbellis, etc)



> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish)
Betta Pugnax
Betta Imbellis

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami)
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer)
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy)
Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (Dwarf Freshwater Puffer)
Licorice Gouramis

> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora)
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra)
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora)
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye)
Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)
Microrasbora gatesi
Microrasbora kubotai
Microrasbora nana
Microrasbora rubescens
Boraras maculatus (Dwarf rasbora, Dwarf-spotted rasbora, Spotted rasbora, Pygmy rasbora)
Boraras merah
Boraras micros
Boraras urophthalmoides (Least rasbora, Exclamation-point rasbora)
Chocolate Gouramis
Sundadanio axelrodi

I've added the ones you said MBOU can you just check I put them in the right place please?

Tek oot.

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