And no, I mean a name for him. I love him to bits and would love people to bring up names for him. I'll choose something I like best and we can go from there But yes, He's a bearded dragon, Unsure on age or sex so it would have to be a name that works for both.
When I first got him, His viv was pretty much empty so I went out and bought wood, A net, Stuff to climb on etc and I'd love to know what ya think too.
Trying to make this guy as happy as possible, The last owners wanted to "throw him out" so I guess you could say hes sort of my rescue reptile.
His leg has been damaged a fair bit, Am not entirely sure what caused it but it's down to the last owners D: It wont recover but hes been fine with it, I wash him and his leg a lot to keep it clean.
When I first got him, His viv was pretty much empty so I went out and bought wood, A net, Stuff to climb on etc and I'd love to know what ya think too.
Trying to make this guy as happy as possible, The last owners wanted to "throw him out" so I guess you could say hes sort of my rescue reptile.
His leg has been damaged a fair bit, Am not entirely sure what caused it but it's down to the last owners D: It wont recover but hes been fine with it, I wash him and his leg a lot to keep it clean.