Mysterious Black Spiral Cone Snails


Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2015
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So a few days ago, near the end of May, me and my girlfriend noticed a teeny, tiny little brown shelled snail climbing up the glass of the tank. We had no idea where he came from. It wasn't until we added a pepper Cory and 3 ghost shrimp that we noticed the snail. We don't think it came from any of the new plants since we observed the plants and rinsed them in saltwater. We then found the snail stuck to the filter vents, I took it out and discovered it was an empty shell. We assume that one of the shrimp found him and devoured him out of his shell, but we aren't sure.
We had no sign of anymore snails left, until last night, while I was observing the tank, I found 4-5 black snails with spiral coned shells. They were climbing all over the driftwood, the ghost shrimp didn't seem to bother them as they'd stride right over them. The snails aren't eating any of the plants (at least for now), I don't know if I should let them be, or take them out. I hear that you leave a piece of lettuce as bait to get all the snails on it and dispose of it, but with the cories and shrimp in there I don't think it'll work.
Maybe a young assassin snail, or a young rabbit snail?
I've been looking these guys up and I can't find any description about them.
A photo might help identify the snail.
To me as long as the snails dont eat the plants, They are free tank cleaners.
They're really hard to get a picture of because they blend into everything except the sand.
But here ya go.


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looks like a pond snail... not sure of the actual name. possibly Physa. most likely did come in on plants, pretty common stowaway. Im not positive thats what it is but it looks like the kind i find after adding plants. even after dips and rinses.

its happens.

i personally squish them.... 
Well, if they aren't tearing up the plants or populating to the numbers of China, I think I'll just leave em' be. I'll see how things go from here.
there was another post of here a couple of days ago about similar looking snails - we got a better photo from that thread - perhaps you could look and see if they are the same?
We identified them as pond/pest snails. They do indeed come in on the plants and they are pretty inevitable. I'd always seen them as a 'pest' and I used to squash them too but I learned a couple of days ago that they can be good to have in your aquarium as they eat algae and any decaying leaves etc. 
I'd leave it be and see how things go. You'll soon know if they are eating plants :)
Yes, that is likely a pond snail, and they are beneficial.  I have dozens in my planted tanks.  The main benefit of these are their eating of all organic matter including fish excrement, breaking it down faster for the bacteria to deal with.  They also clean plant leaves of basic algae and stuff (for lack of a better term).  They will get into places you can't to keep things tidy and clean.  I can't even imagine a detriment to these small snails; some people say they can over-run a tank, but that will only occur if they have food to eat, so that is beneficial not detrimental.
Well, I'll see how these little critters do in there. I've only seen about five snails so far. The shrimp don't seem to care about their existence. So I'll leave em' be and monitor them carefully for the plants.
I agree, lots of people don't mind these little guys at all. I just heard stories of them overrunning easily and i didn't want them since i like planted tanks. lol.
I'm almost positive i still have a few, even though i rarely find them. they seem to come out in the dark.

I had a nerite and a huge mystery snail when i was squishing them. I still have the nerite in this tank and moved the mystery. he seemed to be dying or hiding from ich treatment. he looked terrible for a couple days wouldnt come out.. moved him to the 10gal and hes been active again ever since. 
I might wait until some of them are big enough to put in with my betta fish because I've had an algae outbreak in his tank. And I hear bettas and snails will get along so...
Hey, free snail.
some people say they can over-run a tank, but that will only occur if they have food to eat, so that is beneficial not detrimental.
I have a bunch of them in the 6 foot tank with Mollies and Platys, At first I was like OMG they are going to over run the tank, But they did not, The numbers seemed to stabilise after a few months, I also notice my Apple snails are breeding, to me too many snails is no problem, If it becomes a issue I have 1 of those green nets that you catch fish with and that net can also be used to scoop up snails off the glass.
exactly Nick, when my trumpets get out of control I just start picking a few out ... it's annoying but necessary to keep the numbers down :)
Just waiting for these guys to get a little bigger so I can transfer them to the betta tank. How would I transfer them? I don't wanna try to pick them off with my hands because I'm afraid I might crush them... Should I just wait until they're on a rock or something, and take the rock with the snail on it?

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