So Id had my betta for maybe about 3 months now. He was originally in a 20 gallon but about 3 weeks ago I moved him to the 10 since he was nipping my dalmation Molly. The 10 gallon is fully cycled with 6 harlequin rasboras, it's also planted. After I transferred him he's been completely fine..until today when I saw him lying on the ground. He then struggled to the surface for air, swimming very awkwardly. I assumed it was swim bladder disease so I thought I'd have more then a couple of hours. From the time I saw him 2 hours passed until I checked on him and found him not breathing. His coloration had gone from a deep red to a sickly palish yellow color....what could've causes this death??!? I'm starting to get freaked out because 4 days ago one of my corycats randomly died also....I do 25% water changes every 5 days and vacuum the sand with every wc...I use aqueon filters (I know..), and I put the fluval bio rings in a mesh bag in the filter also. I tested the water chemistry with my personal testing kit and my lfs. 10 gallon
0 nitrite
7.8 ph
120-180 gh.
20 gallon is similar.
0 nitrite
7.8 ph
120-180 gh.
20 gallon is similar.