My Top Ten Favorites


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
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Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY
After eight years in the 'fish biz' in both salt and fresh, I thought I would post what I thought were really cool and fun fish to own (or utilitarian). Now, I'm just putting FW down and I'm NOT suggesting you buy these. By observation, these guys (?gals) just seem to be fascinating to watch. If you agree with me and you go out to get a few, please, always remember compatibility issues, tank size, eating requirements, etc. Hereforth:

1) Boesmani rainbowfish
These fish are just a great swimmers. Mid tank. Most FW fish are bland in color. This guy has beautiful colors and iridescence. Quick swimmer. Best in schools. The blue/turqoise is cheaper in general.

2) Congo tetras
In schools, this fish is another great mid tank swimmer. When grown, it has large beautiful golden scales and flowing attractive fins. Great swimmer. Easy to feed

3) Angels
I think I love these fish because, inherently, they are cichlids. They seem very bright and will feed out of your hand. They CAN grow large and sometimes they seem to die suddenly without warning.

4) Kribensis
These are one of a few species of cichlids that can be compatible with a community FW aquarium. Fun to watch. They are territorial. Great colors. Hoverers and darters.

5) Danios
Adding small active fish adds dynamic to the tank. Two I've had experience with are the blue danio (although directly under the lights they appear pinkish) and the celestial pearl (the latter is more mid tank and also slightly shyer). The blue swim within a few cms of the surface. The pearls are beautiful in coloration. Both should be kept in schools

6) Otocinclus
This is NOT an easy fish to keep. Most die after bringing them home. HOWEVER, if you have an established aquarium with low nitrates and plenty of algae in the tank, these guys are the Stanley Steemers of the aquarium tank. Fun to search for where they are hiding...great darters...and...they look weird.

7) Botia sp.
Here is another fun fish to own. Many have great colors and are funky swimmers. Angelicus is unusual and fun to watch swimming. Be aware that, although the clown loach is frequently sold (and not cheaply if I might say), the fish can grow very large if maintained. They also seem to die from a wasting disease. Choose carefully. The clown loach is sought after for it's colors but may not be the best fish for a beginner with a small tank.

8) Cory cats
I'm sure Inchworm would agree with me on this one. Corys are solid. Good bottom dwellers. Good bottom cleaners. Interesting swimmers when they decide to dart up the wall. Although not a HUGE variation in color, you certainly can pick out almost any pattern you want: from panda...etc.

9) Siamese algae eater
NB: Do not confuse this suggestion with the Chinese algae eater. This one is Crossocheilus siamensis. The other one, Gyrinocheilos sp. can get nasty when older. This fish looks pretty cool when perched on it's pectorals on a leaf or gravel bed. It has an interesting blue color near the base of it's fins. Cool darter. FYI...mine DID get a little bit nippy at times but overall was a peaceful inhabitant.

10) Other various tetras
Penguins, emperor's, white skirts. Good basic mid tank schoolers and relatively easy to keep.


Oto's are one of my favourite fish, at times it's a bit like Where's Wally looking for them as they blend in so well on the wood.
Cory's are my second favourite, especially the albinos as they whizz about the tank a lot of the time
I love my Bettas too as they have such personalities
got to disagree with the low nitrates and Otos...these are a planted tank keepers best friend and we like to keep our nitrates on the higher side of things. Otos do well in tanks with higher nitrates, they even spawn...


nitrates approx 50-60ppm (BTW the little white thing on the glass is a baby Oto.)
Well...after getting rid of 2 iridescent sharks, each 12-14" and running nitrates in the 160's, I agree with you ianho. LOL. SH
Otos are fab I have to agree I have 4 in a tank I rarely look at or maintain which is lightly stocked

Congos!! good shout I need to get some to put in with my boesmanis
Hey SH do you have a pair of kribs or just one? Awesome as pairs!!! I had a pair breed in the home aquarium and raised quite a few broods of fry. Easy to do and the fry are easy to raise, very large. The parents are devoted and they are wonderful fish to have around with kids. :D
1. Discus
2. Apistos
3. Electric Blue Ram
4. Killifish
5. Bolivian Ram
6. Cardinal Tetra
7. Black Ghost Knifefish
8. Blue Line Goby
9. Male Betta
10. Figure 8 Puffer

Hehe, I'll get in on this too.

In no particular order, based on 23 years in the hobby, here's my list. I'd keep any of these again in a New York minute. There will be a mix of SW and FW. Again, as SH says, research and plan your tank appropriately before considering any of these species.

1. Chalk bass - good ol' Serranus tortugarum. They are commonly kept on their own, but man, a group of them is just the most amazing thing in a marine tank. They cruise the water and are so active.

2. Cherry barb - Puntius titteya. An amazing fish to keep. A lovely barb that breeds readily in a planted tank and fry are easy to raise. Males glow a blood red when in breeding colors

3. Tiger barb - Puntius tetrazona. Under appreciated and under used. Not aggressive if kept in the right numbers. Natural color morph is the most stunning. Active, fun swimmers

4. Honey gourami - Colisa chuna. Natural coloration is the BEST!!!! Male in breeding colors is a mix of blue, golds, and black.

5. Kribensis - Pelvachromis pulcher. Get a pair if you have the right-sized tank. As I said in my last post in this thread, a great fish to watch breed and raise fry. They are easy to raise and the parents are devoted. The fry get led around the tank is a fun parade.

6. Royal gramma - Gramma loreto. A fun basslet from the Caribbean. Hardy and wonderfully colored. If secure in its environment, you're rewarded with a fun, inquisitive fish that is always out and always exploring. The gramma's "hiss" is one of the funniest things I've seen in an aquarium.

7. Chile rasboras - Boraras brigittae. A stunning, blood red micro rasbora. A shoal of these is the BOMB in a planted tank.

8. Panda goby - Paragobius lacunicolus. The teeny, teeny tiny of the Marine goby world. Finicky eater, but a fun little rock hopper. Watching one take down a pod a third its size is great. They don't even reach an inch in length.

9. Yellow watchman goby - Cyrptocentrus cinctus. You must get this fish with its pistol shrimp symbiont. I've got mine with a Tiger pistol and they are great together. The goby watches while the pistol digs. They bring each other food and protect each other from threats, not that there's much to threaten them in my tank, but they don't know that. ;)

10. Pygmy corydoras - Especially Corydoras habrosus and C. pygmaeus. Fun, fun, fun! Habrosus behaves more like a typical corydora, more of a bottom-dweller, while pygmeaus is more of a mid-level dweller. Both are charming.

Two that nearly made the cut...

Sunburst dwarf platy - just a color morph of your everyday Xiphophorus variatus, but very fun to keep

Dwarf anchor catfish - Erethistes jerdoni, a smaller version of the Hara genus of anchor catfish. Reclusive, but fun to watch.

Great thread, SH. Very fun to think back and reflect on some of my favorites. Wonder if you have a SW list?

I like near enough every cichlid. 1. Dovii 2. Jaguar 3. Red devil 4. Electric blue jack Dempsey 5. Umbee. 6. Green terror 7. Texas 8. Red Oscar 9. Convicts 10. Jewels
1.Green Terror
2. Severums
3.Jack Dempseys
4. Oscars
5. Bettas
6. Malawis
7. Cories
8. Livebearers
9. Kuhlis
10. Bristlenoses

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