My Sump Build (Step By Step).


Mostly New Member
Feb 15, 2014
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So today after a long hard thinking i have decided to build a brand new sump for my fresh water aquarium tank, i want to share this with you all and show each person how to do a cheap and easier way of filtering your tanks. Now we all here probs already know how to do such things because there are pros and newbies to this hobbies like me but this sump will be a bit different from others we all see online as each one i seen has pretty much same description and looks of each other.

i believe i found a better and new way to sump building and how to compact a large amount of material in such a small sump with a very effective filtering system.

me being new to this fish hobbies 3months and growing fast i hope my build will be to all the pros hobbyist likings. If not thanks for reading. Each day or wk i will upload pictures of my build and progress of the sump until the final project is finished.

please keep this thread in your fav section for updates
The sump i will be building will be for a 128 litre tank , the sump tank size will be 16x8x8 (L,W,H) this will give you the idea what space i am dealing with when doing this build, very tight space but a very effective filtration system.
Hey AP,
I too am designing a sump for my 120ltre tank, so will be keeping an eye on your progress.
Good luck, looking forward to the future posts.
Thanks bud, the design i be using will be my own no one elses the only thing that will be same to all others we see online is how it gets from one side to the other side.of sump but other then this its 100% different design from all others out there and better in my opinion. I be starting it to morrow so pic up on Monday on how to do it. ;) this design is open to all to use with my permission for only personal use ONLY ! not for commercial use or to be sold on without my permission. Once again PERSONAL use only.
cool are you going to drill holes in your tank or do they already have them?
in my opinion everyone should have a sump :D lol but im a salt water keeper and we love our sumps so i could be biased
Everyone should have a sump but even a standard hang on filter works ok but not as effective as a sump itself. Anyway so i have started the build and today all im going to do here is tell you what i have got and how much i have spent sofar, so here is the list below '

item list :

1. 16x8x8 (L,W,H) Fish tank. - £15.00
2. Aquarium safe silicone (manufactures make BETTA) - £7.00 (Aquarium shop)
3. Silicone gun ( poundland, poundstore, poundworld) - £1.00
4. Glass cutter - £3.50 (screwfix or any diy store/shop)
5. Metal ruler - £1.00
6. Glass ( got this from an old shelfing unit / cabinet i had cost nothing)
7. Pliers.

total cost : £27.50 (British pounds)

Bare in mind this is total cost to build this sump it does not include any bio media or the water pump just to build sump only. Total cost for everything including sump, bio media and water pump will be added on after build finished. Very cheap indeed ill say.

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