My Reason To Upgrade My Tank Is....


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2012
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I was "mis-sold" this fish, even though I clearly stated the size of my tank and that I didn't want fishes to outgrow my aquarium. Ah well it is also my own fault for not researching them before buying. So I will be upgrading very soon and also keeping my Clown Loach so they have had new friends introduced which are tiny!

Will be better for all my fish to have more space anyway - though try telling my other half that it is a good idea! He is not impressed!
Don't worry about only one tank i've just told my wife im going to build a Fish House,
the look would have froze petrol.LOL It will be about 20 tanks when its finished
Same happened to me. I bought two of these cute little cory sized catfish last year when I had a two foot tank and the girl in shop assured me they'd be fine, but they grew and grew (I'd upgraded to a 200L shortly after) and they became monsters. One grew larger and was very aggressive to the smaller one and my local MA re-homed him for me. The other is a very peaceful chap and now lives in the tank at work as it's not a planted tank like mine. He's very happy there and has grown even bigger. I'm glad I had the option of moving him in to the work tank as I grew quite attached to him.
Same happened to me. I bought two of these cute little cory sized catfish last year when I had a two foot tank and the girl in shop assured me they'd be fine, but they grew and grew (I'd upgraded to a 200L shortly after) and they became monsters. One grew larger and was very aggressive to the smaller one and my local MA re-homed him for me. The other is a very peaceful chap and now lives in the tank at work as it's not a planted tank like mine. He's very happy there and has grown even bigger. I'm glad I had the option of moving him in to the work tank as I grew quite attached to him.

I was even sold two of these cats :( Luckily they tend to leave one another alone or sit and eat together, One sits in the ship the over in the wood cave. I bought loads more bogwood and plants to keep them separated, I am so attached that I decided about a week or so ago I will upgrade rather than rehome them. My BF was completely against it saying "they are just fish" but my argument was if our puppy Teddy outgrows his bed or collar what does he do? buy a bigger one.. argument closed lol :)
HA HA HA I love your argument. Good one :good:

I think these are actually very lovely fish. When I had 'Sid' still in my 200L even the little sole survivor of the Diamond Tetra fry used swim right in front of his nose confident that he was safe. Sid never used to bother any of my other fish it was just that he had no respect for my plants and used to damage them accidentally as he swam around foraging for food.(I have pretty heavily planted tanks).
Yeah same, when I introduced my hand reared cory baby I was waiting for the cats to have a nibble but they just left them alone. Even my heavily pregnant Yoyo loach sits right next to him under the cave, shes brave enough to push him out the way when she wants to sit upside down. The only damage I have seen to another fish is to my cory mum Sam, she had the top of her dorsal fin bitten right down. I can only think it was them but she is fully healed after a short salt bath and stays way clear of them when they come out after feeding. Other than that there has been no fish deaths in result of them, even my lizard loach is safe around them and he is certainly a mouth full

Lizard loach:

I'll try and get a picture of of Sid. Today I went to work (I have Monday's off) only to find that someone's dumped 5 goldfish in to Sid's tank. 4 comets and a fancy, all a good three inches or more not counting fins. What the heck does one do !!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

ETA - loving the pics BTW :D
I'll try and get a picture of of Sid. Today I went to work (I have Monday's off) only to find that someone's dumped 5 goldfish in to Sid's tank. 4 comets and a fancy, all a good three inches or more not counting fins. What the heck does one do !!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

ETA - loving the pics BTW :D

Oh dear! How big roughly is Sid now? My two are around 8-9cm long I think. I am dying to know the difference between male and female and what my two are. I sometimes catch them pretending to be certain plants in the tank :p
Sid's about the size of my SKY remote control including fins. He's a big lad, however, I don't think his belly's as big as the ones your two have :D :D :D. I've seen bigger Featherfins than Sid in the sumps at my local MA, one may possibly be the one I re-homed with them as he always had been the larger of the two, he was horrible to Sid which was why I re-homed him. The big plecs and other large cats live in the sumps as they're the biggest tanks they have.

I think I read that it's quite hard to determine males from females with Featherfins.

Do your like to hang nose down behind something for hours on end. Sid does that a lot, he always did even when I had him at home. The other one used to swim upside down around at the surface hoovering up flake food at feeding time.
The top one who I call the submarine sits upside down all day under the wood he also loves to swim upside down at the surface of the water. The smaller one prefers the hang vertical facing up pretending to be features in the tank. I rarely see that one as the entrances to the ship are hidden for the fish to have plenty of hiding places away from view! I only really see them around 10 mins after I have put feed in the tank. Yeah they do have big bellys! I only feed once a day too lol!

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