My Newest Shrimp


We are not born just so we can die
Global Moderator ⚒️
Oct 1, 2010
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The other night I was lucky enough to win in an online Auction 10 black cherry shrimp, which just arrived today

For now they are still rather stressed and zipping about the holding tank/ cage I have them in. Once they settle I am guessing they will turn more black, but I don't mind if they stay blue since the Blue cherry shrimp are stunning and a colour I had been wanting to get.
I'll get some pictures up once photobucket stops updating.
And here are the pictures so far, sorry about the clarity but they are still very flighty.



:wub: Lovely, congrats on the shrimp!
Lovely :)
I too have a few black cherry shrimps, not the cheapest to purchase but worth every penny imho.
Hopefully your shrimps will settle fast and colour up, but even if the blue one does not, still a stunning colour ;)
Thanks everyone, I was really surprised at the price I got them for, they should go well with my other couple of chocolate/ blacks. Hopefully eventually I will have an entire tank of black cherry shrimp, much like my tank of reds.
The next two morphs I want to get are a toss up between Rilli and Blue.
And free in the tank at last


Since the tank has quite a lot of good hidehloes that also contain a lot of hidden food the shrimp it seems have all gone into hiding. Hopefully in the next few days/ weeks I will start to see them more and also start seeing some new black shrimplets.
Good luck :)
Beautiful shrimp pic, the last one :nod:
Beautiful shrimp! They are so interesting to observe.  Congratulations  

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