My New Shrimp Cube.


Fish Connoisseur
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 14, 2015
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So I have fallen victim to MTS, I have a 20 Litre Aquael cube that I am going to set up for shrimp.
I am thinking low tech wild jungle look .


Yes Yes I cheated a bit, The substrate has been " soaking " in the six footer for about 2 weeks now, I borrowed a little bit of sponge filter from the canister so I can short cut the cycling. However it will still be a few weeks before I add shrimp, And they won't be RCS.
I am looking at a few of these.
Crystal Black Shrimp, SS Grade
Looks awesome! I have a soft spot for cube tanks and this one will be really cool to see with shrimp in it.
Excellent, I do like the black crystals, but they are harder to find than the red. Just watch that the cube doesnt get too hot in summer, crystals hate heat.
If you wanted to be really daring I know a stunning  native called Zebra shrimp (Caridina zebra) from far north QLD.
They look cool, Now where to buy some?
There is only one person I know selling zebra shrimp, but he is only on an Australian shrimp forum. CBS I sometimes see for sale on Gumtree and such places.
I kinda remodelled.
The 4 rocks on the bottom will be covered in Riccia fluitans, When LFS has some. He showed me a neat trick using a hair net to attach the plant to the rock, then you place the rocks side by side when the Riccia grows out a bit it all looks like grass.
Update I tore the whole thing down and started again. I got a new AquaOne  Clear View 100 HOB filter too.
The whole bottom of the tank is covered with mesh and moss. The plan is to let the moss grow in like grass filling all the gaps'

Next I kinda stacked some wood, Its all new so there are a few rocks in there to keep it down'
So the plan is the moss the only bottom plant, next I plan to add some water sprite as a floating plant the roots growing down will look good I think, and that's it,
freerunner416 said:
Could you mix the shrimp or is that a No No?? 
They may inter-breed.


Will look good when the water has cleared, why the change of plan?

You sourced your shrimp yet?
why the change of plan?
I wanted lots of wood and sharp things, This way I can't get another betta. The water is so yellow atm.
You sourced your shrimp yet?
Not as yet, I am looking at 6 to 8 Galaxy Rasboras also. It will be at least a few more weeks before I add livestock.
These little HOB filters are not bad.
NickAu said:
Not as yet, I am looking at 6 to 8 Galaxy Rasboras also.
They are on my wish list. Beautiful fish. There is some confusion about the name, though. When I first saw them, I thought they looked more like a danio and just a quick search revealed they are also known as Celestial Danios. 
Anyone for blackwater?

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