My New Pair


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
Reaction score
So with my tank issues sorted and one of my angels dying. Am giving up on angels, Trading the other away for free.
My LFS suggested rams and so I went and bought a pair. Here they are below.

Any tips on keeping these would be great. My PH is very low due to having soft water in scotland too.
i think you should sort out any water issues and find out why fish are dying for no apparent reason before introducing new fish into the same tank
The water issues were the fact I kicked up so much substrate when planting new plants that I made a huge ammonia spike. After I fixed the ammonia the damage had been done to my fishes gills and they slowly died.
The rest have made a recovered but has left me with little stock, But all stats are fine and daily water changes for now to be sure.
Hi Techen,

Are they bolivian rams? If so, I believe they are one of the more tolerant types which will adjust to quite a large pH range. I am in Scotland but my pH is 7.6 ish but ive been told they will do fine. They like caves etc. They claim territories so some good hiding places would help. If you are interested in breeding them, they like flat or smooth stones to lay their eggs on but will also use broad leaves as an alternative. They will then protect the eggs, fending off anything that gets near but apparently won't attack other fish, just chase them away.

I'm really looking forward to getting mine in a few weeks. They are very intelligent fish and aparently get to know their owner and will often come to the front of the tank to greet you when you get home. Sounds more like a dog but its supposed to be true.

None of that probably helped but its all i know for now as I've not got them yet but they seem to be really interesting fish to keep so I can't wait.

Hope you enjoy them,

I though they were German blue rams? XD Samething I take it.
When reading up I heard they prefer soft water around 5-6.5. However my tank water is 6.4 and it tends to stay there anyway.
I have a wood that's like a cave that THEY'VE ALREADY TAKEN. It seems, they like going into the dark and hiding there for abit. But am already in love with these guys, Really nice fish and very nice to watch.
I hope you get on well with yours :p
Mikey1 said:
i think you should sort out any water issues and find out why fish are dying for no apparent reason before introducing new fish into the same tank
got to say techen i agree with mikey,i would have waited a couple of weeks before adding new fish just to make sure everything was ok in your tank
Ammoni and nitrite both zeros, Nitrate is insanely due to water changes. Am not waiting for the rest of my fish to die only for my filter to uncycle itself, More risk of leaving it than keeping the filter going.
techen said:
I though they were German blue rams? XD Samething I take it.
When reading up I heard they prefer soft water around 5-6.5. However my tank water is 6.4 and it tends to stay there anyway.
I have a wood that's like a cave that THEY'VE ALREADY TAKEN. It seems, they like going into the dark and hiding there for abit. But am already in love with these guys, Really nice fish and very nice to watch.
I hope you get on well with yours :p
They are definitely German blue rams - not Bolivians

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