my new light is bad


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2004
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about 1 month ago i bought a new light fixture, It is a GE it has 2 55watt bulbs in it. The bulbs are a flourescent light, i cant really explain it but the design is like a oval sweral. My question is all that is growing in that tank is algee. What kind of bulbs if any can i put in there to help me grow the plants other than just algee
Hi Sarkis

I understand your frustration with alge. There are many types of alge and if you provide a description it my help diagnose whats happing in the tank.

Brown alge is a lack of light – IMO

Green alge tends to grow heavily when Phosphates are high in the water or there is too much sunlight entering the tank (blue light). Then the balance swings towards the alge – it starts to over take plant growth.

I am sure yours is green and is now taking over the whole tank – slowly but surly it will kill off all your plants – people will then tell you and wait for it – no alge eating fish will touch that type of alge – ahhhhh

I know man I have been there got the tee shirt. It is not nice – test for phosphates – in truth anything about 1mg/l is toooooo much. Check out the light and report back what the bulb specs are.

Ps I am sure I will be kicked all over the forum by the plant purists but this is how great things are started
What size is the tank?
How many plants do you have in the tank?
What kind of plants?
What is the color temperature (in Kelvins) of the light bulbs you have?
What kind of algae do you have?

Any advice given without knowing these things is premature, IMO...
modernhamlet said:
What size is the tank?
How many plants do you have in the tank?
What kind of plants?
What is the color temperature (in Kelvins) of the light bulbs you have?
What kind of algae do you have?

Any advice given without knowing these things is premature, IMO...
this is the light i have. except mine has 2 bulbs i dont know any specs about it.. I am wondering where i can buy different colour bulbs for that. I think the bulbs are the problem
tank specs are in my signature
Hi Sarkis

please note what modernhamlet has said, we do need additiional Information. I have the signatures turned off - so I have'nt seend yours. please post and include answers to modernhamlet questions - they will help!

regarding the light you are using - I understand these are very good lights (are they manufactured by GE - check the bulb. I have read a lot of USA sites which rave on about these tubes - so I think they should be OK.

The biggest issue IMO may be the phoshates in your tank - As soon as you increase the light levels alge can take over. but we do need more info - so reply as above ASAP.

cya Ob1
modernhamlet said:
What size is the tank?
How many plants do you have in the tank?
What kind of plants?
What is the color temperature (in Kelvins) of the light bulbs you have?
What kind of algae do you have?

Any advice given without knowing these things is premature, IMO...
Tank is a 46gallon.
i have 6 plants they are
1-Amazon Sword
1-Java Fern
1- Onion plant
1- Anubias nana
1- Crytocoryne wendtii " brown "
1- Val

The kelvin of the bulbs are 10000k they are the superdaylight bulbs. I think
The type of algee i have is, there is 2 type i think.
1. hairy green algee the plants and decoration, is total covered in. I think it is hairyalgee b/c all u can see is something hairy growing off the plants
2. regualr algee i assume the glass of the tank and the substarte is covered in it also
Sarkis said:
modernhamlet said:
What size is the tank?
How many plants do you have in the tank?
What kind of plants?
What is the color temperature (in Kelvins) of the light bulbs you have?
What kind of algae do you have?

Any advice given without knowing these things is premature, IMO...
Tank is a 46gallon.
i have 6 plants they are
1-Amazon Sword
1-Java Fern
1- Onion plant
1- Anubias nana
1- Crytocoryne wendtii " brown "
1- Val

The kelvin of the bulbs are 10000k they are the superdaylight bulbs. I think
The type of algee i have is, there is 2 type i think.
1. hairy green algee the plants and decoration, is total covered in. I think it is hairyalgee b/c all u can see is something hairy growing off the plants
2. regualr algee i assume the glass of the tank and the substarte is covered in it also
Sorry i forgot the mention, i have a Fulval 304, and a penguin 125 bio-wheel, as filtration
i just did another water test
Could this be the factor for my algee problem?? The Nitrate.
Ph 7.6
Ammonia- 0 ppm
Nitrite-0 ppm

If so how do i correct the nitrate??
Correct the nitrates by adding Green Light Stump Remover (pure KNO3). It can be purchased at Lowe's here in the US. Make sure it's that particular brand, because Green Light has been verified as pure KNO3.

Check Chuck's page on adding nitrates to an aquarium. It will give you the measurements for the proper solution. A huge algae problem will arise when the nitrates get to 0.
You need a right mixture of nutrients fo rur plants to grow, otherwise tehlight will just be used by algae.

You upgraded the lighting but how do you provide you plants with co2? without co2 the extra lights actually harms teh plants and you get algae.

Nitrates and phosphates need to be monitored so u need to get a phosphate test kit.

Unfortunately planted tanks take a but of work and initial costs are high.
Sorry to jump in on this one but i have just hit the same problem as the original poster and my reading are pretty much the same but with a difference in PH

Just tested my water tonight

PH 7.2

Co2 is working out at around 15.143 ppm

The tank is a 127l 28ukg or 3ft with water temps of 27c, the lighting consists of 2 x 18w reflected arcadia original tropical tubes and 1 reflected 20w life glo.
Filtration is being supplied by an eheim 2213 and spray bar

Substrate is a fine gravel covered by a deep layer of Volcanit

In an attempt to reduce my algae i have changed the lighting pattern to 12hrs for 1 arcadia 11.5 hrs for the second and 10 for the life glo, this also gives the fish a warm up time rather than 1 big hit of light in one go.
I have also been reading about switching the lights off in the middle of the day and i may give that a go.

The algae has started to have an effect on my Synnema Triflorum already as the leaves are looking like they have started to decay

So any ideas on how else i can combat this problem?? the algae is green fine hairs on the glass and a thicker darker green on the plants.

My plants include

Samolus valerandi (not growing very well)
Hygrophila corymbosa
Cryptocoryne undulata
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Lilaeopsis mauritiana
Java fern
Java moss
Anubias barteri var nana (was doing well and showing flower)
Something else that looks like the Limnophila but not as spread and darker green
mushroom plant
Synnema Triflorum

I've not got a Phosphate test so i may have to go out and get one at weekend.

Sorry if i have missed anything but please ask if i have

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