My New Juwel Rio 125


Fish Fanatic
Nov 17, 2012
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Some of you may remember I started a new 70ltr tank a few weeks back having come from a 25ltr. Anyway, you know how it is, I wanted a bigger tank within days. So I found a nice Rio 125 which is about the biggest tank I can fit in the current space before it'll get too close to a radiator (wanted a 180ltr really but couldn't for this very issue).

Anyway everything was transferred across on Tuesday and here are the results. In the new year I'll be upping the Cory stock from 5 to 6-7, and adding 8 Harlequin Rasbora. As for after that I haven't decided what to add. In regards to the scape, I'll no doubt be trying different layouts and adding more of my slate I reckon but for the moment it's okay.




Looking good. Been a while since iv had that "just got a bigger tank" feeling.

You should spread out your hair grass into smaller sections and try create a carpet look. But looking great otherwise :good:
Thanks Gary, yes want to split the hair grass up but I am having major issues keeping it planted :( Have tied them with fishing wire but they keep floating away. Currently trying to work out the best option!
Thanks :) Have split most of the hair grass now...


This looks great!!!! The last pic is a big improvement, now that the hairgrass is split up and not centered perfectly really changed the look. Much more natural looking. I think you need one big smooth rock and you will be complete hehe :good:
Thanks! Finally managed to get the plants to stay put, not had any movement in a few days now :) Tempted to add a bit more slate, but a smooth stone might look good.
Yup, big smooth rocks are a must in my book. I think it will be just what it needs. It looks really great, I like all the plant choices, and it seems like you picked the basic upkeep ones, kinda the same thing Im going to do soon too. :cool:
Lovely looking! Are you going to be adding co2 to keep the plants alive? If that's too big a committment, look up seachem flourish excel - you put in a small amount daily in addition to your fertilisers and the difference really shows!
Thanks :) I am only feeding the plants after the weekly 20% water change. I use Tetra Plantamin at the moment, do you recommend trying the Seachem as well then? :) I don't really want to go down the co2 route at the moment.
Update, some may have seen but I broke the tank down a couple of months ago now and went for a dwarf Mbuna set up. I have admired these fish for a while so bit the bullet and went for it. It now houses Saulosi's, waiting for them to mature to see how many males I have in case I need more females, looking for 3-4 males and 8-9 females. The males turn a lovely blue with black stripes if you're not familiar with them, and the females stay yellow. I have recently upgraded to an external Eheim filter, so once this is up to speed I'll remove the internal Fluval which will give me some room to build the rocks up on the left hand side (and to hide the output tube).




Looks great!!! I like the dif shapes and colors to the rocks, really makes it look natural!! Wow, it's going to look amazing when the males have turned blue, how exciting :)

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