My New Juwel Lido 120 Tank

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Hello All,

So after a turbulent month or so with the tank I thought I'd post a picture update!

Generally speaking everything has been going great. Have kept on top of the water changes, bought myself a proper gravel cleaner and have cut back a lot of vegetation due to it looking more like a jungle then an aquarium! I wanted to ensure there is plenty of swimming space for the tetras. It's interesting to observe what plant species have survived and died over time. My Star Grass is one of the long term survivors and is rapidly taking over the bottom of the tank. The other plant to the right (Any idea what this is?) goes from strength to strength. The bottom of the tank is now home to multiple caves and vegetation to encourage the Kribs breeding and replicate their habitat. It is also home to a few Assassin snails which perform an incredible recovery job, especially against a family of snails which now reside in the tank.

Key highlights include the Kribs breeding and watching the fry be marched around the tank and get bigger however this was at the expense of the majority of my Hatchets and Cardinals which were fin nipped and stress killed. I couldn't believe how aggressive the Kribs were. I was convinced due to the height of the Lido tank and the amount of vegetation inside they'd be ok. Interestingly the Emperor Tetras and Shrimp have come out the breeding cycle completely unscathed. Lesson learnt.

Anyway hope you enjoy the picture and any comments or requests I'd be glad to take. It's fair to say the current tank is once again working progress as I look to re-introduce a few more plant species. The current setup does remind me of a desert island for some reason! Cheers

PS: Apologies for the picture it was taken on iPhone. The yellow hue of the plants should be a bright green.



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