My New 200L Tank Log

Yer its the unipac i brought a large bag which was 25kg (think it was £23)according to the sign in MA
Shelster said:
Ooh I like this! Going to add this substrate to my favourites list I think - never got on with sand myself but this looks nice enough for cories too.
blackops said:
nice if u don't mined me asking where did u get the sand from
Shelster said:
If its the unipac sand I can recommend, as I've just washed some for my betta tank and not much dust came off at all.
I use the Unipac Senegal, nice stuff, i get mine from my local MA.
Love the tank, looking forward to seeing it take further shape :)  I will be moving forward with mine on Sunday, hopefully, but you are ahead at present ;)
Planted a few things in my tank today mainly just cuts off of plants from my other tank and a potted combomba that was taking up to much space in my 100l aswell.

Still need more plants in there.
Just a little update.
Nothings really changed on the planted front as of yet but ive changed filter from the hood system that was supplied with the tank to an Aquamanta EFX600.
Only brought it today but impressed with the amount of media supplied aswell as the running noise of it. So right now its seeming like a bargain at £149.99.
Looking forward to this. Nice rocks  how much did they cost?
Love the sand though. Might give it a try in future projects.
Keep it up.
Oooh i do understand you about the missus and ending up in the dog house. 
Whenever i mention going to the fish shop  my missus  gives me the "here comes trouble look".
The rocks were £4 each. I was rather suprised at how cheap they were as they are huge and weigh a tonne! lol
Had a little bit of a play around today and planted some stems from my 100l tank into my 200L and re-arranged and added a few rocks.
Awe, you're cardinals look a bit lost in there :D

Looking good.
Clearer picture of what i did yesterday with the plants looking a little more lively.
Fantastic tank set up mate, very jealous. Love that you have stuck with tetra's, as have i, ha ha. Where did you get your tank from mate ? is there a web site ?

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