My luck finally ran out (ich)

Hard to tell from those pics
Pics won't be of much help. The dots are so small that you could barely see them against the bright silvery bodies of the hatchets.

However, there is now a new problem I just noticed. There's several hatchet scales that have floated to the bottom. My best guess is they're coming from one that got injured the other day while I was doing a water change. Either it bashed itself against something or worse, I banged it with the siphon tube on accident while sucking up over the whole bottom of the aquarium. It had bloody bruises along the backside of the body and a badly tattered tail fin, but the bruises have since healed and it's moving and feeding perfectly normal. So idk if it's just damaged scales falling off or ANOTHER problem cropping up.

The marks could be from the missing scales. Return the temperature to normal, keep the water really clean and watch for behaviour/ symptoms. There is no point medicating before you know what is going on, if anything, it could do more harm than good.
I ordered some Seachem Paraguard today (apparently brick and mortars don't sell it period which is a little annoying).

Also took the best pics I possibly could of the spots I'm suspicious of.

I don't know what the weird squiggly line on the second fish's tail is. It's been there for a while now and I haven't really seen the dots pictured go away or "come back" either so I'm not sure if they're just blemishes at this point.

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