My Friend Bought Me A Fish Can U Help Id It Pls

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Lack of photo.
Shep; you need to upload your pic to a hosting site, like Photobucket or Flickr, and use the IMG code in your post :good:
When there's a photo we'll be able to help you a lot more :)
Gold Panchax :) 10cm Killifish - reasonably peaceful but can go for small fish.
I think it's a golden wonder killifish Aplocheilus lineatus.
Yup, Golden Wonder Panchax - Aplocheilus Lineatus. Grows to about 4" long and you have a male :) They will eat anything they can fit in their mouth though, my male tried eating a Pygmy Cory and got the spine stuck through the top of his jaw so even though they stay around the top and cory's round the bottom, DO NOT put them with anything small than 2" and preferably a deeper body.
ok thank you so it ok will my guppies platies and blue german rams then
Shep1922 said:
ok thank you so it ok will my guppies platies and blue german rams then
The German Blue Rams will be OK but if you have Male guppies they may be lunch when he's fully grown. Females would be fine but males are all tail so not very fast and very streamlined since tails fold easily.
i only got females so thats ok my mate also got me a female then he asked for a male and female but didnt ask anything just said male and female are the hard to breed or should i seperate them
Shep1922 said:
i only got females so thats ok my mate also got me a female then he asked for a male and female but didnt ask anything just said male and female are the hard to breed or should i seperate them
They breed easily but if you have ended up with 2 males they will most likely fight. They get quite territorial over tanks so even with no females present they may well fight. If you have a male and female they'll be forever spawning if they are happy but with the GBR's and Guppies I wouldn't count on any of the eggs surviving. What else is in the tank and what size tank is it?
these 2 stick together and ain't had a fight yet thank u guys

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