Hi Everyone,
Just thought I'd ask what people think of my current stocking. All fish seem fine although I had a recent bout of Ich that took about 5 weeks to eradicate! It was very mild and I didn't lose any fish and they never seemed distressed.
Tank - Aquaone Eurostlye 80 - 80cm x 42cm x 64cm high 180 lires
which has gravel substrate, rocks, bogwood and well planted. I have an external filter but also running a small internal filter to add a bit more surface movement/better filtration.
9 x Rummynose Tetras
6 x 5 banded Barbs
2 x German Blue Rams (M & F)
2 x Ottos
2 x Gardneri Killifish (M & F)
6 x Sterbai Corydoras
1 x Bristlenose Pleco.
They all get on fine and there's no dominant personalities in there (so far).
I would possibly like to put maybe 6 Neon Tetras in there and maybe a few cherry shrimp at some point.
What do you all think?
Just thought I'd ask what people think of my current stocking. All fish seem fine although I had a recent bout of Ich that took about 5 weeks to eradicate! It was very mild and I didn't lose any fish and they never seemed distressed.
Tank - Aquaone Eurostlye 80 - 80cm x 42cm x 64cm high 180 lires
which has gravel substrate, rocks, bogwood and well planted. I have an external filter but also running a small internal filter to add a bit more surface movement/better filtration.
9 x Rummynose Tetras
6 x 5 banded Barbs
2 x German Blue Rams (M & F)
2 x Ottos
2 x Gardneri Killifish (M & F)
6 x Sterbai Corydoras
1 x Bristlenose Pleco.
They all get on fine and there's no dominant personalities in there (so far).
I would possibly like to put maybe 6 Neon Tetras in there and maybe a few cherry shrimp at some point.
What do you all think?