I have a fantail fish and he is swimming weird, like upside down or 'laying' on one side. Also, my comet fish isn't eating. I changed the water tank today. Can it be related to that or are they sick?
I have a fantail fish and he is swimming weird, like upside down or 'laying' on one side. Also, my comet fish isn't eating. I changed the water tank today. Can it be related to that or are they sick?
Sounds like an issue with their swim bladder if they can't swim at a natural angle and are more inclined to remain on the bottom. We need more information.
What are your water parameters? Ph, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite.
Is your tank cycled?
Have you added anything to the water other than water conditioner and (if you have plants) a plant supplement? Did you USE water conditioner?
What is the size of your tank and how many inhabitants? Are you overstocked?
You said you changed the "water tank" today. Does this mean you switched the fish to a new tank you just got done setting up without cycling, or did you do a large water change to the current tank?