My Fish Are Weird.


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2013
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I have 5 zebra danios in a 120 litre tank and they have been fine I've had my fluval 4 plus on highest flow and everything has been fine I added a small silver shark and a small orange spotted pleco not around 2 inches the danios where fine with them swimming round like normal and when I came home today all the danios where home and found them behind the filter just floating there so switched the filter off and put some food out they came out straight away and eat the food then swam around like normal then when I switched the filter back on they went back behind it and stayed there so I switched off again and they came back out and swam like normal do I thought the flow was too strong for them but they have had this flow for around a month and never went behind the filter until I added the new fish so I switched the flow down to see if that was the problem but no they still stay behind the filter when it's on but when it's off they swim round like normal I just don't get it there weird never done this before.
It could be they're unsettled by the new additions.
The silver shark I'm assuming is a Bala shark which will get way too big for your tank, they should also be kept in groups
I know in getting a 5 ft tank is 6 weeks just don't know why the fish go behind the filter while its on they haven't done that for the month they have been there.
I would think that they are intimidated by the new additions. If you could remove the Silver Sharks then the Danios should be happy again.
Even a 5 foot tank is not big enough for some Silver Sharks, they get well over a foot long and are active schooling fish. They require a tank that is closer to the dimensions of 12X3X3.
It would be much better if you could rehome the Silver Sharks and replan your stock. :/
I have to agree with all of the above...
The Silver shark is most certainly freaking out the Danios - highly unlikely to be the pleco. Asides from the Silver getting wayyyyy too big for that tank they're also a very skittish animal, especially if they're on their own. As it gets bigger it'll get more and more skittish until it ends up getting so freaked out it'll either hurt himself or his tank mates. I'd bet the Danios are already sensing this and that's why they're hiding.
In no uncertain terms, there is nothing about your current setup that suits your shark and a 5ft tank, albeit bigger, still isn't sufficient for a single silver shark let alone a school. It really must be taken back...sorry.
I reckon the Danios will be giving a sigh of relief now!
And they should be getting back to their normal behaviour in the tank.
Sorry you had to learn the hard way that not all fish are compatible with each other.
Bet its hard to give fish away after getting attached to them I reckon.
Lesson learned is to do research before buying or taking fish on. 

Do let us know how things are getting on now.
They're fine now and gonna try breed them so I can feed the fry to my electric blue rams.

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