I have 5 zebra danios in a 120 litre tank and they have been fine I've had my fluval 4 plus on highest flow and everything has been fine I added a small silver shark and a small orange spotted pleco not around 2 inches the danios where fine with them swimming round like normal and when I came home today all the danios where home and found them behind the filter just floating there so switched the filter off and put some food out they came out straight away and eat the food then swam around like normal then when I switched the filter back on they went back behind it and stayed there so I switched off again and they came back out and swam like normal do I thought the flow was too strong for them but they have had this flow for around a month and never went behind the filter until I added the new fish so I switched the flow down to see if that was the problem but no they still stay behind the filter when it's on but when it's off they swim round like normal I just don't get it there weird never done this before.