My Catfish Only Tank.

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Feb 28, 2010
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Hi there again! Just thought I'd drop by and show some pics of my tank that only has catfish in it!

My catfish heaven.
The big plant in the middle has seen better days. :lol:

I tried taking pics of everybody, but some just didn't want to come out and play. I did the best I could though.

















I couldn't get a pic of everybody in there, so some members of the tank are not pictured here. Some of the pics were taken during feeding time as it is the only time some of them come out. Feeding time can be VERY active in this tank so there's some particles floating around here and there. Hope you enjoy the pics! Feel free to comment or ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer them! :good:
Looks like you have a botia in there too :blink:

I love cats especialy cories and hoplo's :good:
Here's a couple more I just took. :)



Here's one of a different tank, I just thought it was a nice pic so I added it.
hmmmm I can see a lot of fish in there that are going to out grow the tank and also a lot of very messy fish in there.

Also if it is a catfish only aquarium why do you have gravel, surely it would be better to have sand?

Corydoras do spend nearly all the time sitting on the substrate. That's what they evolved to do; hence the flat belly and downward pointing mouth.

All cories should be kept on sand, IMO.
It says 30 gal on the title.. lot of fish in there though..

Any one else spot a botia or do I need new glasses?? :fish:
Geez! I didn't post this to get lectured on my substrate! :rolleyes: You guys are something else! :lol:

This didn't start off as a strictly catfish tank, that's why there's gravel instead of sand.

Yes there's a couple of Botias actually. They were "left over" from my small cichlid tank and didn't want to remove them. I plan on getting a bigger tank for my guys (with sand!! :rolleyes: ) eventually, just need to find room. :)

For those of you that commented and appreciate the pics for what they are, thank you! I think some of the pics came out great!! :D
We care about fish and want them all to be healthy and happy, even if they're not ours.

If someone posts about something and we see a problem, or a potential problem, most of us feel obliged to mention it, whether it was relevent to what was originally posted or not.

I personally don't like seeing cories kept on gravel and I know most other cory keepers agree. I don't see how a tank can be considered 'heaven' for a fish if it doesn't allow them to behave naturally, and in the case of cories (and loaches), that includes being able to dig in the substrate and filter it through their gills, which they just can't do on gravel.

There is also the fact that gravel allows a lot of poo and uneaten food to accumulate in the gap, and this can lead to infections and barbel loss. I know you're probably going to say that you clean the gravel, but in a heavily planted tank, it's just not possible to keep it clean enough for the cories long term good health.
Geez! I didn't post this to get lectured on my substrate! :rolleyes: You guys are something else! :lol:

This didn't start off as a strictly catfish tank, that's why there's gravel instead of sand.

Yes there's a couple of Botias actually. They were "left over" from my small cichlid tank and didn't want to remove them. I plan on getting a bigger tank for my guys (with sand!! :rolleyes: ) eventually, just need to find room. :)

For those of you that commented and appreciate the pics for what they are, thank you! I think some of the pics came out great!! :D
I'm not knocking your tank at all infact I think it looks great. Nice photo's too :good: :good:
We care about fish and want them all to be healthy and happy, even if they're not ours.

If someone posts about something and we see a problem, or a potential problem, most of us feel obliged to mention it, whether it was relevent to what was originally posted or not.

I personally don't like seeing cories kept on gravel and I know most other cory keepers agree. I don't see how a tank can be considered 'heaven' for a fish if it doesn't allow them to behave naturally, and in the case of cories (and loaches), that includes being able to dig in the substrate and filter it through their gills, which they just can't do on gravel.

There is also the fact that gravel allows a lot of poo and uneaten food to accumulate in the gap, and this can lead to infections and barbel loss. I know you're probably going to say that you clean the gravel, but in a heavily planted tank, it's just not possible to keep it clean enough for the cories long term good health.

I appreciate you concern, but concidering the fact that I've had this tank going for a little over a year now with VERY few casualties (one being my own fault :sad: ) I don't think that there's a HUGE problem here. All of my fish, to me anyways, seem to be happy and doing just fine. Google "cory catfish" and tell me what kind of substrate you see in most of the pics. Ideally, I agree that they should be in sand. I didn't actually plan on this being mainly catfish so I didn't think to change the substrate to suit their needs specifically. Next time around when I actually plan out a catfish tank, things will be done differently. Untill then, this is how it's going to be. Once again, I didn't post this to get lectured on my substrate. So this is the end of this conversation, on my part at least, before things get out of hand. :good: I honestly don't want to get in an online argument over the substrate of one of my fish tanks. :lol:

As for everybody else that commented, thank you very much! I appreciate the compliments! :D It's a 30 gallon tank right now. I want to upgrade to a 55 gallon SO bad but lack the room (and the funds) at the moment. Maybe Santa will bring me my dream tank for Christmas! :D

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