My Boss Found A Pond In The Back Garden Of His New House ... With Fish


Apr 6, 2009
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Hi there,

My boss at work has just moved into a new house and told me there is a pond in the back garden with fish in it!!! according to him the house has been unoccupied for almost a year :/ He thinks they are Goldfish and has bought some fish food for them :) How can people do this and just leave their pets behind :(

From what he has told me there is only a pump, no filter, or is that the filter?

Anyway, my question ... neither him or I have any idea when it comes to ponds so was hoping someone could point us in the right direction, maybe a website we could look at for information on how to care for a pond?

Shame it wasn't a fish tank because I could have helped him but when it comes to ponds I'm clueless :no:

Thanks in advance B-)
Hiya, how exciting. It could quite well be that if the pond was left unattended it has thrived! It would revert to a pond like you find near a river. You would get insects in the water for the fish to eat, and the weeds would grow. Really need to know size of pond and what the water is like. My pond is green at the moment but will revert to a healthier colour soon xx
Hiya, how exciting. It could quite well be that if the pond was left unattended it has thrived! It would revert to a pond like you find near a river. You would get insects in the water for the fish to eat, and the weeds would grow. Really need to know size of pond and what the water is like. My pond is green at the moment but will revert to a healthier colour soon xx

Ok great, I will find out what size tomorrow and let you know :good:
saweet!you need to get some pictures! ask your boss to take some and post them up! to survive for a year huh? how cool :)
Hi all

He gave me the following measurements only rough though:

The pond is an L shape.

1 meter x 1 meter x 0.5 meter and about 3ft deep.

Does that make sense? :blink:
ive an idea but i cant picture it very well lol, have you asked him about a picture?
Sorry its taken so long to come back, been so busy at work and been on holiday too :hyper:

Here is the pond :)


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