My Betta and Gourami


New Member
Mar 29, 2017
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These fish SHOULD NOT BE KEPT TOGETHER. Betta are known as fighting fish for a reason. They will attack and either kill or be killed to any other fish they see as a territorial threat. This goes for any other betta, similarly sized fish, or other territorial fish like Gourami's. Some betta don't even do well with corydora or plecos they can be so aggressive. I don't care if you haven't seen any aggression yet, you need to remove that betta or that gourami immediately.
Really!! I will separate today.

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No. Whilst I agree with the comment above in some aspects. Bettas are not murder machines. Not even Plakat bettas which ARE murder machines can be kept with other fish. I've had super aggressive bettas live completely peacefully with all the person above listed as incompatible. I used to keep an outdoor kidde pool with a male and female betta and two huge opaline gouramis. Never once was their any hint of aggression. Its all about tank size. Anything smaller than a 10 gallon for a betta and gourami is a no go. Its all about tank size
Thank you, I've got another tank today so they aren't together now.

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