My Aqua One Nano 40 Tropical Pics


Fish Fanatic
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Gorleston, Great Yarmouth
Hi everyone just joined up here so thought I would show you all how im rolling atm :rolleyes: although i already want to get a much MUCH bigger tank.
any comments, tips or critisism welcomed


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Nice Little Tank Danni, them mollys will outgrow that tank pretty quick though mate. Could do an awesome shrimp tank in the 40 if you get a larger tank at a late date :good: :)
Nice Little Tank Danni, them mollys will outgrow that tank pretty quick though mate. Could do an awesome shrimp tank in the 40 if you get a larger tank at a late date :good: :)

thank you I am looking at tanks already looking to probably get a 4ft tank so that should give the lil swimmers plenty of room
and yea never thought about shrimp will have to look into it
Nice tanks are Rio 180's Can pick up some great condition ones of ebay and aquarist-classified if you wanted a second hand one :good:

Plants wise there is a lot to choose from for your first planted tank. Here's a few i know of (of the top of my head) Plants im no expert with lol:
Java Moss
Java Fern
Amazon Sword's
Nice tanks are Rio 180's Can pick up some great condition ones of ebay and aquarist-classified if you wanted a second hand one :good:

Plants wise there is a lot to choose from for your first planted tank. Here's a few i know of (of the top of my head) Plants im no expert with lol:
Java Moss
Java Fern
Amazon Sword's

oh first time I have heard of aquarist classified will check it out now
will defo look into plants aswell
hello again
so basically thought i would give ya a quick update on what i have so here goes:
Tank 1: Aqua One Nano 40 55 Litres (40x40x40cm)
2x small angels
3x female mollys (chocolate,orange and dalmation colours)
2x male mollys (chocolate and orange)
2x male swordtails (one was sold to me as a female but later i IDed it as a male :(
1x male guppy
2x female guppy
5x cardinal tetra
1x albino cory
1x small plec

Now im sure you will all tell me this tank is overstocked and I currently have a new 54 Litre tank cycling in order to move some of these over too shortly and also hope to try my hand at live plants and aqua acaping. and then hope to get a bigger tank around 180 Litre in the future.

any input would be brillinant
Well, you know you're overstocked, so I'm not sure what you expect people to say, tbh :/

It's also very poor stocking.

The angels need a tank that is at least three foot long by 18" tall. Unless you've been lucky enough to get a compatible pair, one will almost certainly bully or even kill the other. You'll need to get your four foot tank within the next month or two, or rehome them. Fish, like all living things, do most of their growing when their young, and they should be four or five inches long and six or eight tall by six or nine months old

The tetras and angels like soft water and the mollies, swordtails and guppies like it hard, and tend to do quite badly in soft water.
The mollies and swords get to around four inches, so are also far too large for this tank.

Cories should be kept in groups of at least six. I, personally, wouldn't put cories on the substrate; it's far too big and rough for their barbels.

There are no plecs that I would put into a 55l tank, not even bristlenoses. Maybe otocinclus, if the tank was well matured with live plants, or one of the dwarf corydoras species, but again they'd need to be in groups of at least six, and preferably eight or ten to do well.

I have one of these tanks, and I have nine glowlight danios and nine dwarf emerald rasboras, plus some rhino shrimp, and that's pushing it to it's limits, IMO.

Can I be cheeky and ask why you didn't come on here and ask for people's advise about your stocking?
honestly i had no idea these sites even existed and the store i bought the tank from sold me the tank at the same time as selling me some of the fish and told me nothing about cycling or what was compatible or how big things would get so basically started off completely wrong and just trying to sort things out now that i have learnt some things and have the help from here
I think the best thing you can do is rehome or return; the angels, plec, mollies, swordtails and cory and just keep the cardinals and guppies, although knowing how hard or soft your water is would help.
Just roughly will do, unless you're wanting things like discus/rams or rare livebearers. Do you get a lot of limescale in your kettle or on your showerhead?

Whereabouts in the country are you?

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