My 90 Us Gallon Reef Tank Journal

um it was pregantant shrimp so i dont think it molted and i left it in an net for 20 mins and nothing happened
postive it was dead

anyway just back from lfs(again) replaced the cleaner shrimp for another cleaner shirmp and picked up 2 more turbos and 1 hermit

that means

4/5 turbos
2/2 cleaner shrimp
4/6 red leg hermits
0/1 peppermint shrimp
0/1 serpent star
0/1 sand sifting star

and snails still to come


can anybody give me a good link about molting?
is a electric blue hermit safe in my reef tank?

i just found this little crab in my lr


any ideas what he is i cant find anything about him- hes white in a little hole hes about 2cm

tank stats today

ammonia 0-0.25
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
ph 8.0-8.5 is this good?

pics will be coming later:D












woke up this moring to find my shrimp molting good or bad sign?

and for the crab id ski told me it is some type of rock crab

any comments on the clean up crew
well i have had now for about 10 - 14 days now

2 cleaner shrimp
5 turbos
6 redleg hermits
1 sandsifting star
1 red sepent star

they are all doing fine apart from the serpent star wich is a little shy and hangs the back but im not really worrided about that and im also planning on 1 peppermint shrimp and some other c.u.c wht ski reccomened to me

anyway the lfs said these are all scavengers pretty much but i just wanted to know shall i try feeding once a week or something just to make sure they are eating or...

and now im getting closer to fish part i want to stock up on all the meds and foods
so what would you recomend buying?

also just a quick question ive ot some cyano agae and some hair algae on the back wall shall i just scrap off the algae or..
also just a quick question ive ot some cyano agae and some hair algae on the back wall shall i just scrap off the algae or..

Yup, get yourself a mag-float :)

I still say the "backbone" of a good cleanup crew are Cerith and Nassarius snails. Trochus snails make great additions too. If you have significant algae go ahead and introduce them, otherwise wait till you get a fish poopin in there :)
il try getting some snails tomoz


ive cleaned all algae off and done some other bits and pieces in the tank

ive also done the stats today
nitrate-bout 8
phospahate -around 0
PH- between 8 and 8.5

but now as im ging to lfs tomoz i jus wanted to know what foods and meds are best to buy? or what food and meds have you got?

i ve bought a peppermint shrimp yesterday he is doing fine tank is running smoothly hoping to put 3 green chromis in saturday ish
ive also bought some foods
-new era agriculture herbiover flakes
-nutrafin max slow sinking morsels
-brine shrimp frozen

i will also be buying that dried up seaweed type stuff to put on a veggie clip

as for the meds i have been advised to buy liposome spray to spray on the foods and garlic guard also put on foods
so is this all ok or anything you wouldnt bother buying or what would you advise to buy?

also if anyone wants some pics just say

my sand sifting star underneath was white but now the tips have seemed to change colour to red but on the tips is this bad what could be wrong?
plz help

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