My 55g, And 35 Hex.


New Member
Oct 15, 2012
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Hey every one,I'm new here and relatively new to the hobby. although I tried a Betta about a two years ago, she did well and i kept her alive three months or so. my dad ends up letting a friend of his live with us,a bad alcoholic. She changed the water without adding conditioner several times a day while i was at work. wasn't long after she started doing this my Betta died.

Skip forward to about 3 months ago she finally moved out. Having been itching For fish again I bought Another tank,which turned into buying 4 total o_O

atm i now have 2 tanks setup A 55 Gallon community and a 35 gallon hex currently sick gourami tank ,will be keeping my cichlids in this one eventually (they are barely the size of an adult platy now hardly terrors yet :)

both tanks are fully cycled

Please excuse the pics quality they were taken with my girlfriends 3ds as this is the only thing i have access to with a camera

[The 55 Gallon Community tank]


The Tank.


The Little bikini bottom i'm collecting, (this will eventually go into my 20 long for my 10 y/0 sister. already have her a few platys)


Did i say Platy?


Gourami in a cup anyone?


one of my two gold dojo's


Bamboo pot/mini island usually not on the pirate ship but the leaves need to be out of the water every so often to keep it from dying


He can also get out of the jar


Pirate ship


This is dog fish as my girlfriend calls him,he's definitely hers he routinely eats from her hand. and posed for the camera


My rainbow shark


Seth the turtle....we named him so because he looks like my friend seth who usually looks about as chill lol.

[35 gallon hex very little here]



My common pleco




My dwarf/walmart rescue gourami

I'm holding him there until he shows no ill signs of health,he was one of the healthiest there @ $2.44 a piece i wasn't arguing,would be worth it if he lives if not at least he has a better chance at life than the rest of the walmart fish


very bare atm


I believe these guys have internal parisites, it has not seemed to spread to other fish. I am currently looking for treatment

And keeping isolated in the 35


They are very active and colorful fish so it seems odd,they dont act one bit of sick


Love my tetra 10-30i makes a very nice waterfall

as the tanks chill in my room.


I Plan on updating this with higher quality pictures at a later date. that was only a few of my fish. they were mostly hiding as i did rearranging and cleaning tonight in preparation for a water change tommorow,
Your tanks are a good size. But....
They look very cloudy to me. When the fish get feeling better do a 50% water change.
Sorry it may just be the camera.
Your tanks are a good size. But....
They look very cloudy to me. When the fish get feeling better do a 50% water change.
Sorry it may just be the camera.

It is part the water and the camera. it had been maybe 9 days since a water change,did one yesterday.

the 3ds needs stupid amounts of light to take good pictures which my current light does not provide

Hopefully here soon i should have a t8 hood the size of the tank soon. i'm getting it,a 55 gallon stand and paying off the rest of what i owe my friend for the hex, for 60$
Also got some better pics. i finnaly got my girlfriends phone to let me mess with the photo albums to free up enough storage.

the lesson is dont buy an htc wildfire s. phone was a nice idea but had not been made with enough memory to do half the job of a smart phone

back on subject the pictures


my red paradise


one of my two cichlids, some kind of m'buna not sure which though


I was just trying to get the mm platy in this pic, my rainbow and red wag would not have it lol


My kenyi cichlid, and my mm swordtail... i think he was a lucky find there was three in the bunch at petco and his tail looked best


I think she might be prego o_O


big blue, my personal favorite of my gourami.


my silver dollar,the oldest fish in my tank he is 6 years old getting close to 7. I got him from a friend for 5$


Last but not least my female bristlenose pleco not the best pic but she was not in the best spot for pics right under the lamp

Lastly i now have 4 black kuhli loaches,they pretty much have stayed hidden so far,been wanting some for about a month and managed to go into petco when new fish came in,they sell out so quick lol

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