My 12g Nano

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Make sure you do a long leak test on that nano.....pumps? heater? temps? All OK?

For your 12:
-make sure all your equipment, pumps, wires, drip loops, GFCI are all set to go
-check stand..level....leave room to get arms and hands around/behind tank....floor protection? that baby is gonna be almost 250lbs..pick your spot well

There are many ways to do this. I chose to mix water/salt in tank; remove a third prior to aquascaping and save
-add LR directly to the bottom for base...add sand around it (prevents shifting)
-aquascape and fill in with more sand if needed
-topoff with the reserved sw
-cycling begins

After settling, you can turkey baste off the LR, epoxy if'll probably rearrange a dozen or more times.

7. When CYCLE ends, and, you do your first 25% water change, THEN add the cleanup crew AFTER diatoms/algae appear (about 4-7 days). Try not to add the crew until you get your nitrates below 10ppm.

GO SLOW. I'd add the chaeto after your tank settles in. When you add your fish, your bioload begins and the chaeto can probably go in about then.

During cycling, I have no problems with the stock carbon and a sponge to catch all the loose crap. I'd leave in the sponge until everything is dusted off, cycled, etc. Then I'd ditch the carbon and sponge and add ChemiPure, a phosphate binder of your choice and any other media you wish to run. I have started trying something new....I put filter fiber in chamber one and change it 1-2X per week. Seems to do OK..gets detritus out without letting it hang out long enough to break down into nitrates. SH
Make sure you do a long leak test on that nano.....pumps? heater? temps? All OK?

For your 12:
-make sure all your equipment, pumps, wires, drip loops, GFCI are all set to go
-check stand..level....leave room to get arms and hands around/behind tank....floor protection? that baby is gonna be almost 250lbs..pick your spot well

There are many ways to do this. I chose to mix water/salt in tank; remove a third prior to aquascaping and save
-add LR directly to the bottom for base...add sand around it (prevents shifting)
-aquascape and fill in with more sand if needed
-topoff with the reserved sw
-cycling begins

After settling, you can turkey baste off the LR, epoxy if'll probably rearrange a dozen or more times.

7. When CYCLE ends, and, you do your first 25% water change, THEN add the cleanup crew AFTER diatoms/algae appear (about 4-7 days). Try not to add the crew until you get your nitrates below 10ppm.

GO SLOW. I'd add the chaeto after your tank settles in. When you add your fish, your bioload begins and the chaeto can probably go in about then.

During cycling, I have no problems with the stock carbon and a sponge to catch all the loose crap. I'd leave in the sponge until everything is dusted off, cycled, etc. Then I'd ditch the carbon and sponge and add ChemiPure, a phosphate binder of your choice and any other media you wish to run. I have started trying something new....I put filter fiber in chamber one and change it 1-2X per week. Seems to do OK..gets detritus out without letting it hang out long enough to break down into nitrates. SH

Thanks again. :) Looks like I had a few things a bit backwards. I have also decided to go with Oceanic salt mix as you did as opposed to the catalina water. I have no idea where to find it and it seems the Oceanic gets good reviews.

I have made numerous adjustments to this point including a delay on any clam purchase until I fully understand their needs and can support it.

What an invaluable source of information!!!!

I will be adding the salt water this evening and will have everything running awaiting the live rock late next week. There is not an issue with having water in for a week prior to live rock, is there?

Cheers'll be good practice for you to test your s.g. and practice topping off to maintain the level you select. SH
Here she is in all her glory. Comments are welcome.

So far I have everything setup and the cycling has begun.

Chamber 1 - Sponge and Live Rock
Chamber 2 - Live Rock
Chamber 3 - Heater and Pump

I am very happy with the substrate choice as I spent a lot of time going back and forth. I hope you like the rock work.

Now if I can just figure out this friggin timer :)



OK, A little tutorial on the macro function on the Canon Powershot G6 gives me these.





Nice aquascaping :)

Just make sure the rockwork is stable at the top, as you've gone quite near the glass any snail that crawls up could potentially cause it to fall.
You may find that it's a bit hard to clean the glass unless you can get between the rock and the glass so now's the time to sort that out before anything's added and settled.

I have noticed two living things in the tank. One looks like a little potato bug with spears coming out of its butt. The other I have a fear is Aptasia. It has hooked itself to the back wall of the tank. It looks like a small clear anemone. I will try to post a pic this evening.

I was hoping this would not happen.

Any suggestions?
Sounds like a Nudibranch and Aptasia

Both big :no: in your tank, try and get them out as and when you see them.

Aquascaper. Thanks very much for helping me along the way. Here is a pic of the suspected Aptasia. Tell me it isn't so

I'm ready to nuke the little ####. :)


Hi M - are you going to use Joe's Juice to kill it, or purchase a critter to eat it?

Hey Florida -

Boy would I like to be down there, this cold weather up north is getting old.

I am going to nuke it with the juice since the tank is cycling I don't want to introduce any inverts yet.

Take care.

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