Stocking help for planted discus tank

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And you think that the little bit you are going to put into your aquarium is going to make a difference.
There's a clear principle here...
Peat has been actively discouraged in gardening for decades, especially since more than adequate alternatives have been provided.
Unfortunately, there are some die-hard traditionalists who insist that it just HAS to be peat in their gardens and, because it is rarer in garden centres, for example, the price has risen and scumbags have taken to scouring SSSIs, National Trust land and a host of other protected areas, so as to flog the stuff to those 'traditionalists'.
And, of course, there are still a few larger concerns, tearing it out of the ground, just so some can stick a bit in a fish tank, or in a hanging basket for a few months.:rolleyes:
Lots of appropriate fuss about rainforest and reef destruction and not enough about the less glamourous peat bog.
Peat swamp habitat destruction contributes to loss of biodiversity, flooding, fires etc.
But the biggest hit when an 11,000 year old carbon sink meets the air is the released C02.

Fires in Indonesian peat swamp forests in 2015, for example, emitted nearly 16 million tonnes of CO2 a day. This is more than the daily emissions from the entire US economy. Just take a moment to appreciate the scale of that.

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