I have a 8-month old low-end brackish tank, fishless cycled for a couple of months in autumn last year. The filter is a Eheim professionel 3 350.
I did a first light filter cleaning early this year, when I simply quickly rinsed the two sponges in the siphoned water, and noticed a lot of brown mulm floating in the filter water. Unsure it was the good bacteria, I let it stay. However, when I restarted the filter a huge amoungt of this stuff ended up in the tank, just after I had changed the water! So, now that I cleaned the tank again, I've been more thorough, squeezed the sponges more, and removed ALL the water I had in the filter, including as much mulm as possible. Now, apart from the outcome of having a small (0.1 mg/l) NO2 spike, clearly indicating that I did exaggerate, when I restarted the filter I still had a burst of mulm ending up in the tank!! It turned so dirty I could hardly see through!
What's wrong in what I am doing? How to avoid the (beneficial?) mulm ending uo in the tank???
I did a first light filter cleaning early this year, when I simply quickly rinsed the two sponges in the siphoned water, and noticed a lot of brown mulm floating in the filter water. Unsure it was the good bacteria, I let it stay. However, when I restarted the filter a huge amoungt of this stuff ended up in the tank, just after I had changed the water! So, now that I cleaned the tank again, I've been more thorough, squeezed the sponges more, and removed ALL the water I had in the filter, including as much mulm as possible. Now, apart from the outcome of having a small (0.1 mg/l) NO2 spike, clearly indicating that I did exaggerate, when I restarted the filter I still had a burst of mulm ending up in the tank!! It turned so dirty I could hardly see through!

What's wrong in what I am doing? How to avoid the (beneficial?) mulm ending uo in the tank???