Moving My 100 Gal Discus Tank Across The Room


Aug 29, 2004
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Hey all!

Quick question.... I'm moving my 100 gal discus tank across the room to make way for my new seven foot reef tank. Does this sound good?

Take out half the water and keep it.
Fill up paddling pool with more of the tank water.
Take out all fish and put in the paddling pool with a heater and a power head.
Take out all the wood and plants and put in paddling pool (because I have large humbug catfish who live in the wood and it would be impossible to catch them without taking out all the wood)
Drain tank, discard water.
Move tank with substrate still in it and move filter (big fx5)
Refill tank with water that I kept try not to disturb substrate
Put wood back in and plants
Refill the rest o f the tank, like I'm doing a 50% water change
Wait for it to get up to temperature
Put discus back in. (should I put them in bags and acclimatise them, or can I chuck them straight back in?)
I'd check the floor first to make sure it can take the extra tons of water
Done :) its got acros in at the moment and were building a couple of stud walls to support the joists beneath it. 7fter is going on a concrete plinth in the floor.
Your plan sounds good; there's just one thing I'd change; I'd add the fish after you've added your saved water, and then gradually top the tank up; less risk of shocking the fish that way.
All going to plan... Except it turned out very heavy wi substrate so were taking that out too now

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