Moving Fish From One Tank To Another

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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Is there a reason I shouldn't move 4 cory to a different tank that has nearly identical stats just by netting them and plopping them in the other tank? I can't see a good reason to acclimate them. Just seems like more stress.
If both tanks use the same tap water and the temp is practically the same, sure just plop them in.
if the water in each tank came from the same source (tap) and the temperatures are pretty much the same, then i would just put them directly in
***edit....mister just beat me to it
That's okay. The more reinforcement the better. 
I do it all the time. My tanks are pretty much the same in terms of environmental conditions so no reason to acclimate to a water that's the same. That's my two cents.
I use a tub and let the water mix a bit before sinking it and letting the fish swim out. A little gentler than netting, especially with catfish that are easily tangled in nets.
True, I was thinking of net as a generic term for capture. I use a box for my fish.
I usually tub fish; I've had a few unpleasant experiences having to cut things out of nets, so now I only use them for small shoalers.
I use a net, or my hand, to 'persaude' the fish towards the tub.
Well, I set up a makeshift "trap" consisting of a short round vase baited with veggie tabs that all the catfish just love. So far I've caught a serpae tetra and nearly all of my longfin black skirt tetras. No cats. 
Woohoo! Moved the delphax and ambiacus over to the 20g! What an adventure ... ended up taking all the caves out of the 55g so I could even find them, then caught one barehanded and the other 3 in the net but then pulled out of the net with my hand so they wouldn't get all snagged up. Wow. Everybody keep your fingers crossed. 
Here's a shot from this morning of one of the delphax looking comfy:

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