Moved Fry To Grow Out Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2011
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Today I moved my yellow lab fry from the main tank in the breeder to the 20 gallon grow out tank. I decked it out with rocks, some fakie plants and a sponge over the filter intake. I can't help but be nervous though. Pics to follow.

So it's a week later and all my fry are as happy as can be. I've been feeding two to three times a day, hopefully they start growing like weeds! They are still pretty small at this point. It's been about 5 weeks since stripping.
Lol Bless them, they look so tiny in that tank =D

Gratz on them :good:

new video, today is first water change with them in there. Little nervous
Here is updated video. These guys are at about 3 months old. Unfortunately out of 16 fry I only have 5 left. Had a few guys that just would not eat no matter how hard I tried. Good news is one of my females is holding and ready to be stripped so i'll be fishy daddy again!
They are looking great!! How is your main set-up going? Any more fish?
They are looking great!! How is your main set-up going? Any more fish?

Main set up is going great, all healthy and happy. I got a few red zebras awhile back so my stocking is done. Ordered a 3d background for it this week. I'll post updated pics if it comes this weekend. How's your tank going? I'm still trying to get some algae on my rocks haha

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