Most Appropriate Discus Tank Mates


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2011
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Hi, haven't been on this in a while!

Just wondering, I'm thinking of adding something new to my Discus tank.

I have a Leopard Gourami or Bushfish, a Rainbowfish, Empire Gudgeon and Blue Line Goby in there too.

The Leo has grown into a lovely fish, probably because of my cardinals he took a fancy to. Very reluctant to get rid of him because he's a beautiful fish now.

What fish are colourful, compatible, and have no risk of being eaten by the likes of the Gourami or Discus?

My ideas so far are half a dozen corys, 1 or 2 pairs of Apistos and some Rams..

Anyone able to chip in with some advice? Thanks.
Rummynose would be eaten by the ctenopoma, Blue Rams happily live alongside Discus conditions, Apistos usually prefer it slightly cooler but depends on your setup conditions.

Sterbai Corys would also do fine at Discus temps

Depending on tank size a Black Ghost Knife could be an option
Thanks, what about a few Torpedo barbs?

I'm not certain on these though, as Discus don't like particularly fast tankmates.

Any oddball fish besides the Knifefish?
I have seen it done a few times before with Torpedos and Discus (in a local chinese in fact) but technically they have completely opposite temperature requirements, i.e. Discus hot, Torpedos cool

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