Mosquito fish and ghost shrimp


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
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United States
Hello I am thinking about getting ghost shrimp. But I also need a fish to keep the bugs away
So will the mosquito guys eat the ghost shrimp
Gambusia sp (mosquito fish) are useless when it comes to controlling mozzie larvae. Any other species of fish will do a much better job, and this includes common livebearers like mollies, platies, swordtails and guppies. All barbs, rainbowfish, tetras and cichlids will eat as many mozzie larvae as you can supply.

I did experiments years ago with different fish species eating mozzie larvae and Gambusia were left at the bottom of the pile, while every other species in the test ate between 2-10 times the number of mozzie larvae compared to the Gambusia.

As for the question, Gambusia can be kept with glass shrimp but the fish will eat the baby shrimp, and the shrimp will eat baby fish. For what its worth, I had glass shrimp in my tanks and they ate mozzie larvae too. They didn't eat as many as the fish did, but they certainly tried to catch the larvae and they ate any they caught.
Gambusia sp (mosquito fish) are useless when it comes to controlling mozzie larvae. Any other species of fish will do a much better job, and this includes common livebearers like mollies, platies, swordtails and guppies. All barbs, rainbowfish, tetras and cichlids will eat as many mozzie larvae as you can supply.

I did experiments years ago with different fish species eating mozzie larvae and Gambusia were left at the bottom of the pile, while every other species in the test ate between 2-10 times the number of mozzie larvae compared to the Gambusia.

As for the question, Gambusia can be kept with glass shrimp but the fish will eat the baby shrimp, and the shrimp will eat baby fish. For what its worth, I had glass shrimp in my tanks and they ate mozzie larvae too. They didn't eat as many as the fish did, but they certainly tried to catch the larvae and they ate any they caught.
Wow oh niiice
What can survive temp to 100degrees plus and 2 days of freezing? and will breed? And also won’t eat the glass shrimps


I have many many guppies but I don’t think It’s a good idea
very few fish tolerate freezing, even the glass shrimp will die if the water freezes. most places don't have many mozzies during winter if it gets cold enough to freeze water.

if the pond/ container freezes or gets a layer of ice on the surface in winter, you would probably be better off removing the fish and shrimp during the cold weather and putting them back out in spring.

if the water doesn't freeze but gets a layer of ice, goldfish or local native fishes might work, depending on space.
very few fish tolerate freezing, even the glass shrimp will die if the water freezes. most places don't have many mozzies during winter if it gets cold enough to freeze water.

if the pond/ container freezes or gets a layer of ice on the surface in winter, you would probably be better off removing the fish and shrimp during the cold weather the l
very few fish tolerate freezing, even the glass shrimp will die if the water freezes. most places don't have many mozzies during winter if it gets cold enough to freeze water.

if the pond/ container freezes or gets a layer of ice on the surface in winter, you would probably be better off removing the fish and shrimp during the cold weather and putting them back out in spring.

if the water doesn't freeze but gets a layer of ice, goldfish or local native fishes might work, depending on space.

and putting them back out in spring.

if the water doesn't freeze but gets a layer of ice, goldfish or local native fishes might work, depending on space.
I cant get goldfish as the pond is only twenty us gallons.
Native to here are some Eastern Mosquitofish..
I checked the lowest here is 41 degrees
Hello I am thinking about getting ghost shrimp. But I also need a fish to keep the bugs away
So will the mosquito guys eat the ghost shrimp
No risk microfishes eat Macrobrachium lanchesteri (if you're talking about this shrimp) that will grow up to 8 cm.
No risk microfishes eat Macrobrachium lanchesteri (if you're talking about this shrimp) that will grow up to 8 cm.
no the north american variety i think...
like the cheap feeder ones...
(still not very cheap theyre like maybe 1 dollar each lol)

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