This is kind of a sick question but um...
Can guppy fry who are ready to be born, live in their mother's abdomen after her death and find a way to emerge?
I ask because I pulled all of my remaining fish out of the hospital tank two days ago. The only thing I left in there was a dead female guppy up against the power filter intake. There were no fry in there then, and I knew it because it has no gravel and the water level was below the black trim. I don't see any of them getting caught in the power filter, because the media had been taken out since it contained carbon. Any fry getting sucked up in there would have been spit right back out the top.
I left the dead female guppy in there to help that tank cycle, since it never got a chance before being put to use (plus antibiotics were used).
But I just found two guppy fry in the hospital tank. The dead female WAS pregnant when she died. There was another female in there but I didn't THINK she was pregnant. And the dead one was against the filter intake, but sideways with her back wrapped around the intake and her stomach facing away from it, so emerging fry COULD escape the flow. Do you think it's possible that these two fry were ready to be born, but um... ate their mother's guts until they could get out?
If not, I'm wondering where in the hell they managed to hide that I couldn't see them while taking all other fish out AND doing a 75% water change....
Can guppy fry who are ready to be born, live in their mother's abdomen after her death and find a way to emerge?
I ask because I pulled all of my remaining fish out of the hospital tank two days ago. The only thing I left in there was a dead female guppy up against the power filter intake. There were no fry in there then, and I knew it because it has no gravel and the water level was below the black trim. I don't see any of them getting caught in the power filter, because the media had been taken out since it contained carbon. Any fry getting sucked up in there would have been spit right back out the top.
I left the dead female guppy in there to help that tank cycle, since it never got a chance before being put to use (plus antibiotics were used).
But I just found two guppy fry in the hospital tank. The dead female WAS pregnant when she died. There was another female in there but I didn't THINK she was pregnant. And the dead one was against the filter intake, but sideways with her back wrapped around the intake and her stomach facing away from it, so emerging fry COULD escape the flow. Do you think it's possible that these two fry were ready to be born, but um... ate their mother's guts until they could get out?
If not, I'm wondering where in the hell they managed to hide that I couldn't see them while taking all other fish out AND doing a 75% water change....