Mopani Or Bogwood? Need Tips On A Planted Aquarium


Aug 21, 2008
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Hello, as i am changing tanks next weekend, i am also having a go at playsand. should i buy just another gravel vac? but a small one instead of a big one?

I am thinkin of having a long piece of wood/rock in the centre of my rekord tank. on eBay there are mopani wood and bog wood. which is better for the water and easier to look after etc etc. as i don't have a clue!
any comments much appreciated.
When you vac sand just do a swirly motion just above the sand to stur up the waste on the sand.

As for wood it's down to what you like. I find drift wood will send your water a brownish colour (tannis), depending if the woods already used or not etc.

Redmoor wood is a twig kind of look, thats what I like the best and I find it doesn't leak like drift wood sending the water a browish colour. :)
With mopani you'll be doing a lot of water changes as it will make your tank look like a cup of tea, why not have a look for some redmoor or manzanita, they're beautiful types of natural looking wood.

Oops same time post.
With mopani you'll be doing a lot of water changes as it will make your tank look like a cup of tea, why not have a look for some redmoor or manzanita, they're beautiful types of natural looking wood.

Oops same time post.

I always thought that was odd. bogwood (generic) seems do much less dense then Mopani, yet gives off less tannins?
Not a bad choice in my opinion it just might make your water look tea coloured for a while but then it might not,
It won't hurt your live stock though
redmoor is nice looking wood but is 4 times the price. is it worth it to buy this over bogwood?
Tannins are actually beneficial for the fish, just not for your eyes. However, some people like it :good:
If you soak the bogwood for a few weeks it shouldn't leach anything
I prefer bogwood of mopani, just for aesthetic reasons really. Redmoor is expensive but worth it- it looks amazing, and is so much easier to attach plants too. Also, any tannins leached into your water are a good thing- it's more natural for the fish and can help lower the pH a little, plus, I think it looks rather nice :)
i like redmoor but its to much for me :( so iv got bog wood i did boil it/let it soak and its not leaching hardly at all :good:
I brought three pieces of mopani at pets at home, as i couldn't wait to get it delivered! ive soaked it in the bath with warm/hot water, and also put them in buckets with boiled water in. roughly how long has everyone found it took to get rid of the majority of the tannins? Also the label on the wood says the carbon will help to take away the tannin colour. is this true? as im buying the U3.

Also i have purchased argos play sand X2 today. Can't wait to bring it all together!

Which plants are best to tie onto mopani wood? As i would like to tie three different types onto the three pieces of wood. :fun:
Yes carbon will help in removing tanins. Anubias, Java fern and any moss species can be attacthed to wood.
It can take anything from 1 to 4 weeks to completely remove the tanins if you don't soak it to remove them all first.:good:
I have some mopani, only because my tank is second hand and the wood came with it :lol:

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