I got a male dalmatian molly about 4 weeks ago, he was extremely active up until recently. He started swimming kind of upright, I read online this was a sign of stress so I used the API liquid testing kit. nitrates were a little high. Did a water change (It's been a few days since than now), the water is fine. But the molly still isn't improving. He's moving around less and less, even laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. When I walk past the tank he stops laying down and swims around a little bit. What's wrong with him? what do I do?
I have other mollies in the tank, as well as some guppies, platys, tetras, a pleco and some ghost shrimp. No one else seems ill.
I'm aware of the importance of a quarantine tank but I'm new to the hobby and didn't have one at the time of buying him.
He doesn't have ich and my tank is no where near "overstocked". It's 75 gallons and I only have a few of each of the fish I mentioned.
I have other mollies in the tank, as well as some guppies, platys, tetras, a pleco and some ghost shrimp. No one else seems ill.
I'm aware of the importance of a quarantine tank but I'm new to the hobby and didn't have one at the time of buying him.
He doesn't have ich and my tank is no where near "overstocked". It's 75 gallons and I only have a few of each of the fish I mentioned.