I will fill you in on what has been happening before i ask the question. I have a 70L tank which has 2 dwarf gouramis, 4 mollies, 4 rummy nose tetras and 2 albino cories. I have now rescued 6 babies from one of my females. I am getting a new tank for the babies in the next few days. the person i am getting it from already has a sucker fish and another large(ish) fish. It is about 60L i think. I am hoping to keep the males in there once the babies are grown up so it reduces breeding and then i will keep all the male mollies and some other fish with them. Will male mollies fish?
What i really needed to know is what other fish will get on with mollies? do any plecos get on with them? and what fish should i definatly not keep together and how many of each should i get? It is a reasonably established tank i think.
What i really needed to know is what other fish will get on with mollies? do any plecos get on with them? and what fish should i definatly not keep together and how many of each should i get? It is a reasonably established tank i think.