Mollies aren't getting pregnant


New Member
Jul 8, 2017
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Hello everyone. So I have two mollies one male on female and my female isn't getting pregnant. They are dalmatian mollies and I see the male chasing the female wit it's fin puffed out but she ha
Hasn't been seeming to get pregnant. We have snails, neon tetras, and a beta in the tank as well. The beta hasn't been agressive in over a month. Of anyone has advice please let me know
How big is your tank?
What are the water parameters?
Is the tank filtered
Has it got a heater
What is the water temp
Is the tank cycled
What do you feed the fish and how often
What water conditioner and any other chemicals do you use.

That Betta should be on his own, Tetras and Mollies do not make great tank mates.

And here is the other problem.
You have soft water ( the tetras ) and hard water ( the Mollies ) fish do you have soft or hard water,
Are you 100%sure you have a male and female Mollie? As when I got mine a while back I got told by the pet shop I had 4 females and 1 male but intact I have 3 females and 2 males. What are you feeding them?? My mollies love flake food but they prefer blood worm
Yes I agree with the post above, mollies tend to be aggresive chasing means nothing, the females anal fin willd be a typical D shaped fin, whilst the male sports a gondopodium, a long stick like structure where an anal fin should be, pictures of the fish will help.

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