Moli Frys


New Member
Oct 27, 2012
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Hi there! I need informations for the Moli frys. I have 5 and I don't know exactly how to feed them. In present, their food is Artemio Fluid (blue), a food whit algys, proteins, shrimp extract. Some ideeas for the food?
I have 3 tanks:
1: With tropical fishs: Molis, Corydoras, Loricaridae, Ancistrus, Danio Zebra Pink, Platys,a Scalar
2:With Moli frys :rolleyes:
3:With Macropodus Opercularis and a nursey whit 2 frys(the others died) :-(
And my real name is Alex ... :blush:
Tomorrow i will send you some photos be cause i make some photos today but the size was to big. :sad:
:hi: to the forum

Molly fry do just fine on what the adult fish have, just ground down really fine. They don't need special food; plenty of big water changes are the key to getting them to grow well.

To post pictures, you need to upload them to a hosting site, like Photobucket or Flickr, and paste the IMG code into your post :good:

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