Mixing Wild & Domestic Angelfish


Fish Crazy
Dec 31, 2006
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Boston, England
i have some altum angelfish reserved at my local Maidenhead aquatics and i need to know is it possible to mix wild and domestic as i have two domestic angels already in my tank or do i have to get rid of them.


The problem being is, If the two that are in your tank are paired but the new ones aren't, You are going to get issues with them fighting for space and mates which could be quite annoying.
You'll need to make sure the angels you are getting are a proven pair as well or one will kill the other quite soon.
Main question that needs to be asked is what is the tank size? Does not sound or look small :)
Also the other issue is a distinct lack of pictures of this tank :D It sounds amazing!!
Love your current Angelfish :)
the tank is 6 x 2 x 2 (650 litres) and sorry i don't have any resent photos of my tank also the 2 angels in the tank have not paired 
Are the two pics of the current Angels the same fish or not? As to me they look like two males if they are with the well developed head? Really love the pattern on them are they a particular strain?
In a tank that size I would say you are going to be fine there is plenty of spaces for all the fish and the group of Altums will act as a group as well which should protect them from the established angels.
Are you in Boston Lincs? If so which shop are you getting these from and do they have any other good fish in?
Depends on more information on the altums. Wilds? How long in country? What params are they in.
I keep my altums in stained water, with TDS in the 70s ppm. No other angels and I have moved them up from much lower pH levels over a several month period. Even so the most recent group are now at 6.0 which rises to 6.5 between wcs. The older ones are back down into that range having been moved to a neutral pH.
Basically it may be possible to work it out, but not without knowing a bit more background info on the altums.
Recently imported wild altums should not even be put into an established tank totally devoid of fish. There are two amazing videos about Altums- the first shot in and around the Rio Atabapo and the second following the angels back to Germany and to Simon Forkel's fish room where he actually spawns them.
Play in Full Screen and HD
In the wild- great vid.
Back to Germany- this one should blow you away (forgive the 60s).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTAbuTYGk0M&list=UUZHuEhmXzuA1iT-zGgKdPKg
two different angels, yes i live in boston, lincolnshire. the shop is maidenhead aquatics in crowland. yes they do have some nice fish but not as good as they used to be.
the altums came from Columbia, been in the country 3 weeks. ph 6.5 and my ph is 6.4, that all i know. 
I would pass were I you.
Unless I am wrong, no Altums are permitted to be collected and exported from Colombia from Jan. 1 through Jun. 30 "due to a new wildlife ordinance issued by the Colombian Government." (I believe it was in effect last year as well.) In the states, Altums usually begin to arrive in July and the ones from the Rio Atabapo come later. While the Colombian collection ban is over the end of June, Venezuela's ban ends after July.
And if the above was not in effect , or circumvented, Altums in country just 3 weeks will likely die in your tank fairly fast.
The last imported Altums I purchased were in country 4-5 weeks and they went into a specially set up tank with  pH of 4.2, stained water and TDS in the high 30 ppm range. It had a UV sterilizer which ran on it for a week or two in advance and then for the next 6 weeks or so after they went in.
Finally, altums should be kept in larger numbers than 2. I have 19 assorted sizes. Their ultimate tank is a 150 gal. and I can not fit them all. I will probably have to sell off at least 7, maybe more.
If you are seriously interested in Altums, I would urge you to join this site which specializes in wild angels http://www.finarama.com/

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