Mostly New Member
Hi, haven't posted for a while on the Forum. I have a question if anyone can answer please. I have 4 Red Cherry Shrimp in my tank and a baby one that we found in the bag when purchasing. I was just wondering if I can put Ghost Shrimp in the tank with my Red Cherry ones? Unsure if i can mix the Shrimp or not.I also have 6 Black Neon Tetra, 6 Cherry Barbs and 6 Glowlight Tetra along with 2 Zebra Netrite Snails. Plus there are 5 small Snails that appeared in the tank about 3 weeks after we bought our Java Fern plants. Unsure what type of Snails they are.
Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you........oh, my tank is 100l btw
Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you........oh, my tank is 100l btw