Mixing Shrimp?


Mostly New Member
Jun 3, 2015
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Hi, haven't posted for a while on the Forum. I have a question if anyone can answer please. I have 4 Red Cherry Shrimp in my tank and a baby one that we found in the bag when purchasing. I was just wondering if I can put Ghost Shrimp in the tank with my Red Cherry ones? Unsure if i can mix the Shrimp or not.I also have 6 Black Neon Tetra, 6 Cherry Barbs and 6 Glowlight Tetra along with 2 Zebra Netrite Snails. Plus there are 5 small Snails that appeared in the tank about 3 weeks after we bought our Java Fern plants. Unsure what type of Snails they are.

Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you........oh, my tank is 100l btw
Mixing ghosts and cherries are fine, they will not breed together.
Though if you mix differnt coloured cherries and sakauras and fire reds etc then these will breed and usually means you end up with plain coloured shrimplets.
Thank you Ch4rlie, I was thinking of getting the Ghost Shrimp tomorrow as where I live my LFS have not had anymore Red Cherry for a while and I would like more Shrimp in my tank
Just be sure they are proper ghost shrimp and not a similar macrobachium species, since macrobaciums get big and can and will predate on fish and shrimp.
Baccus said:
Just be sure they are proper ghost shrimp and not a similar macrobachium species, since macrobaciums get big and can and will predate on fish and shrimp.
Oh yeah, forgot about that, good point.
Macrobachium pic below, note the long front forelegs with small pincers, this is the main identifying point. Also macros tends to show more aggressive behaviour.

Scary thing is, they grow massive eventually.

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