Missing Zebra Danios.


Mostly New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Ok so, in my 30 gallon I've got 1 angelfish (about 2 1/2 inches tall), 6 zebra danios, 1 black neon, 1 sailfin pleco, 1 gold stripe cory.
This morning I wake up and I've only got 4 zebra danios.
The aquarium has a top and the only spots its open are where the heater goes and where the filter is.
I don't think its the angelfish that ate them because they seem way to big to be eated by it.
I looked all around and can't see them anywhere on the floor.
They didnt get sucked up by the filter, they cant fit through the plastic strainer at the end of the tube.
This ever happen to anyone else?
Also, I said I would should you what it looked like when it was set up.
I'm still planning on adding rocks to the center to make a cave.
And buying more plants this weekend.
Have you checked inside the filter? It seems unlikely that they will be there but if they aren't on the floor or in the tank, they have to be inside the filter or the angelfish. Have you had the angel and the zebras together for long?
I got them at the same time, about a week and a half ago.
I mean is it possible? The danios don't seem like they can fit in the angelfish's mouth even if I took them out of the tank and did it myself.
I'll check the filter when I get back from work today, but I really have my doubts. Is it possible that some of them would be sleeping in a nice hiding spot that I didn't know existed?
Is that something danios do?
From the size of the angelfish and danios in the photos, I would say it is very possible for the angelfish to have eaten them.  I don't see any "hiding" spots unless the filter as has been mentioned.
The rocks will be nice, but I would get two more chunks of wood.  Wood is natural to the habitat of all these fish.  And the Sailfin Pleco must have wood to rasp and graze as part of its diet.  But here we come to another problem before long...this pleco will attain 17-18 inches and require a much larger tank.  I would suggest you re-home the pleco now while it is still young, this will be easier on the fish and save you trouble.  It will need more room as it grows, and it has a real impact on an aquarium's biology (water quality).
Alright, well hopefully the angelfish didnt eat them.
As for the pleco, I'm only asuming it's a sailfin. The guy at the LFS didn't know what type it was but had the same species in another tank and he said it wont get longer then the one he has which is about 5 inches.
There's a little crevis under the wood which the pleco likes staying in during the day.
If it is the angelfish who is craming his gullet with my zebra danios, what other shoaling fish can I put along side the angelfish (other then black skirt tetras, not a fan of them.) Because I know that I cannot put to many angelfish in a 30 gallon.
You're on the right track now by asking questions here, but please fully research any fish before acquiring it.  These things like tank size, numbers and water parameters have a very real impact on all fish, and our little mistakes along the way can mean premature death for the fish, or at best increased health issues.  
I would find out the species of the pleco and not take the word of an employee who may or may not know about the fish, and be prepared to deal with re-homing should that be in the best interests of the fish.  And even if this is a five-inch species, this will have a real impact on the bioload in a 30g tank.
Zebra danio are not good tankmates for angelfish primarily because the angelfish is sedate (not an active swimming fish), and danios as I'm sure you've noticed are quite the opposite.  This makes life harder for the angelfish.  Aside from this, tankmates for angels should never be the linear small fish like the zebras, black neon, regular neon, glowlights, etc. because they may get eaten.  Also, these little fish can sometimes get nippy when placed in with a long-finned sedate fish, so it's a two-way issue.  All this applies to most barbs, danios, and many tetras.
Black skirt tetra would not be advisable with angelfish (even if you did like them) because they are known to fin nip sedate fish.  The best tankmates are corydoras catfish, small species pleco, disk-shaped tetra such as the Rosy Tetra, Roberti Tetra, Flame Tetra, Lemon Tetra, etc., and some of the Rasboras like the Harlequin.  These are all shoaling fish, so they need a group; numbers can vary, but more is always better because the fish will be more "natural" and thus less likely to get nippy which can occur in small numbers.  I would suggest 7-8 of one or two upper species, along with a group of 6-7 corys as an example.
Good to know, and I thought I did do research. Online I found a couple of posts in forums where people have had zebra danios and angelfish together happily.
ScalpCrabs said:
Good to know, and I thought I did do research. Online I found a couple of posts in forums where people have had zebra danios and angelfish together happily.
It is not advisable; if you search for videos of angelfish in their natural habitats in SA, you will not see any zippy fish anywhere around them.

I am in the group that believes fish will always be more likely to be healthier and less stressed if we provide an environment that is reasonably close to what nature programmed them to expect. 
If you watch your angel for a while you may see him flexing his jaws. That will give you an idea of the size of fish he could swallow. Almost all fish will eat any other fish that can fit in their mouths.
BTW I don't recommend taking them out of the tank and trying the zebras for size.
Haha, no way!
Would never do that.
Reason I don't think he can eat them is because I've seen him open his mouth the the fullest.
But I'm considering taking the danios back to the LFS for the angelfishes sake.
andyG44 said:
A fish tank on top of a bass amp? Seriously?!
The OP has informed us in another thread that this is not a working amp, so don't worry :)
I haven't had a chance to post in a bit, but SOMEHOW?!?!?!? the zebra danios re-apeared.
I have no idea where they were hiding because i checked the entire aquarium at least 20 times.
So all is well. Also I am going to keep the zebra danios in the aquarium. I'm convinced the angelfish likes them. 
He follows them wherever they go. 

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