Minimum Tank Size For A Blue Acara


Fish Herder
May 4, 2009
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What's the minimum tank size for a blue acara, both volume and dimensions (if relevant)? Does the species variation matter ie. latifrons, pulcher, coeruleopunctatus, maracaibo etc.?

Thanks in advance.
30 gallon as far as I'm aware...anything around 3ft,height not really a issue unless kept with other fish.

I have been told Latifrons get slightly smaller at around 5" wheras Pulchers can grown anywhere between 6-8"...I'm not certain tho.
minimum is 29 gallons as they reach 8", i keep mine in a 55 with a salvini, convict, firemouth, bichir, pleco, etc. and its pretty peaceful for a cichlid.
Thanks. I didn't think it could be in such a small volume. I thought it was more like 45-50g. How small for 2 blue acaras (unpaired)?
tbh i wouldn't keep a Blue acara in anything under 200L (52G)
I keep a pair in a 55 gal they are the only cichlids In The tank. I would not keep them in anything smaller then 55 gal. You could keep one in a 30 gal with no other cichlids. Some acaras are more aggressive then others they all have personality. My male is nice my female is a bully So it depends on the fish.

But a 50+ gal would be the best.

The average size is 6" .

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