Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0

BrookeLea said:
Synirr said:
Yeah, it's made for 2-5g (I think it's 50 watt).  I've never used these heaters in anything smaller than a 10 gallon, so I don't have any experience with that... My father owns an air conditioning/heating business so we have central air and heat, meaning our house stays at 78 degrees all year 'round and I only need a weak heater to bump the temp up another couple of degrees :)

78? Wow! I'd die! haha I start smothering when mine's up to 72. haha My house stays between 65 and my guys get heaters :)
Geez, I'd freeze to death!! I'd actually prefer our house to be at 80 degrees, but alas, my parents want it a tidge cooler. I'm one of those people that is constantly freezing and carries a coat to class in the 90 degree summer because the air conditioning in the building is too cold :p
I just love them I cant wait to get my babies. And thank you very much for letting me have some of them. I am so excited.. :D :wub: :wub: :wub:
I'm late updating... again :rolleyes:
Nothing much to report, except that the first fry are being shipped off to their new homes on Monday, woohoo! Also, a lot more marbles are popping up.

Blondie, looking totally shocked to have his pic taken :lol:

Blondie II decided not to go cellophane after all, but marble instead


Another new iridescent marble that popped up

A grey-blue and a pearly gold-ish fry

Dark red

Dark red and gun metal (grey-blue, but more iridescent than most)
aww blondie and blondie II are soooo beautiful! they're all so cute. that last gun metal is gorgeous, too. Do any of them not have a home yet? :hey: haha
I am maintaing the fact that I want to move to the US just so I can get your babies and wuv's and and and and and and and and and and and and!!!!
I want more UK spawns...hint hint!!!
Synirr said:
I'm one of those people that is constantly freezing and carries a coat to class in the 90 degree summer because the air conditioning in the building is too cold :p
We must be related. :lol:

All of my fish stay at 80* Some stay warmer then that through out the day...the ones closer to windows (at home) gets up to 84*. None of them care much for less then 78* though..they get rather pouty.
all I can say is :drool: & I want them all. LOL

When tey are ready, I think I will be able to give a good home to 1 of every color(of the females) Only going to have about 20 right now in my new 120gl. Plenty of rom for some cutie babies. I would love a cople odd colored males too. Just let me know when they are ready. Those blue/grey/greens keep getting better.
xxSarahxx said:
I am maintaing the fact that I want to move to the US just so I can get your babies and wuv's and and and and and and and and and and and and!!!!
I want more UK spawns...hint hint!!!
Wait around a bit, I'll be doing one after October. Should all be combs (I'm aiming for CTPK). Although ATM postage is abysmal, about £17.50 :eek:
I will be spawning from my bettas but need a more compatiblle female and two more males. I'll get there though.
Thanks OohFeeshy though. I'll keep an eye out for you posting about the spawn near October.
Synirr, do you happen to know how long it would take for them to get to Canada? If they get here alive it will be a miracle... so I'm not sure yet, but can't wait to see the next batch! When are you putting pics up lol.
I moved a lot of juvies with ovipositors to the indoor tank so I can watch them... one of my fry with an ovipositor decided to turn male, so I'm gonna keep a close eye on them before sending them out to those of you who wanted females, just to make sure :sly:

It's an estrogen fest in here. Look at all the ovipositors!

More marbles... this one has permanently flared gills




Abnormally blotchy and red

Male #6 who is going to BrookeLea, lookin' totally seksay :hey:

"Food? Food??? Oh, no. It's just a poo :("

Average sized fry with pen for comparison

Runtiest fry next to the same pen
those marbles are so pretty! i love the boy with the permenantly flared gills and the girl with the greenish tail in the middle of the females pics. sooooo cute :)

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