Minerals And Ro Water


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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I now need to use RO water - long story - and i have some mineral stuff for my discus which i can add to RO water which apparently replaces what is needed.

Is this stuff ok for other fish provided i can get PH and GH correct? Is there a better way to treat RO water so i can use only RO?

Put simply, my tap water has ammonia in it so i cannot mix with RO.
You could always filter it through an ammonia remover if you really don't like using just RO water. I would imagine it should be fine for the others, especially if it is a biotope. After all, it's no like Discus live in their very own body of water :good:
I read your story, it sucked what happened after all the hard work you put in. Did you get reimbursed for your losses from your water board?
I think it's awful that water suppliers can add ammonia to domestic drinking water if they feel like it, I wonder how many others do the same thing.
Using RO is great as long as you manage the water. As a reefkeeper I use nothing but RO/DI water in my 210 gallon reef tank. I do this to make sure nothing is in the water I don't want and to start with as close to neutral water which will allow the salt mix to do its magic. In the case of a reef tank the salt mix will give me the right pH and trace elements I need. Since discus have very particular need for clean water RO sounds like a good place to start. I know the two LFS here that sell them use RO in their tanks and use additives to get the water parameters right.
If you do go down the RO route, then there are ways to make your own remix salts. Some of the dry ferts suppliers also sell other chemicals such as the calciums and carbonates, and there's always good old epsom salts, that can be mixed to make up a DIY version.
I'm not sure what's required for discus water as far as DIY is concerned. I know for a reef tank it's pretty insane. http://www.thereeftank.com/forums/f76/diy-salt-mix-98902.html

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