Milton Has A New Tank


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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CA Bay Area
I used to be a member of the forums eons ago (circa 2006 under the username "3fsh") but college, work, and life got in the way and I had to give up my beloved hobby. I just recently purchased Milton the betta for my desk at work and decided it was too harsh for him to be left there with no food for 2 days every week, so he came home with me and I decided to give him the setup he deserved. He seems pretty happy with the plants and spent the morning swimming between the leaves and hiding from me. He's just a common veiltail, but I think he's pretty cute!

Red Sea Nano Filter (customized with sponges to disturb the water as little as possible)
Various plants (I'm also planting a few bulbs to grow lilies he can hide under)
Coralife CFL
He is spoilt for swimming space, similar to the one I'm collecting soon :D
Welcome back to the forum.
Welcome back :)
Hopefully I won't have to follow a similar path to you as I'm off to university (college) later this year so realistically I won't be able to have a tank. Hopefully though, I'll be able to get a small one set up in my accommodation... hopefully!
Looking good btw!
He looks just like my old boy, the first one at the bottom left of my signature.  I am picking up some "Betta Spa" for him today, then I am planning a tank of his own for his retirement ;)  Will of course post pics for you all.
Tank looks nice and clean, can you get hold of some IAL - Indian Almond Leaves?  The Bettas love the water with these in.  He will also be happier when the plants have grown a bit as mine hang in them near the surface to breathe and chill.  In the meantime, if you put the heater on a slight angle you may well find him perched on the top of that, as my old boy used to.  Sorry if you already know all this.
Can you tell me what heater it is?  I like the size of it, although I am very happy with the Superfish Nano 50W, and now have six of these little heaters for my boys.
What is the plant on the right please?
Just for my info., as I work more in Litres, it is about 9.5Litres, so quite a bit smaller than the tanks I use, but he does look content.
Also, where are you located?  Can you put it into your profile ;)
RCA said:
He looks just like my old boy, the first one at the bottom left of my signature.  I am picking up some "Betta Spa" for him today, then I am planning a tank of his own for his retirement
  Will of course post pics for you all.
Tank looks nice and clean, can you get hold of some IAL - Indian Almond Leaves?  The Bettas love the water with these in.  He will also be happier when the plants have grown a bit as mine hang in them near the surface to breathe and chill.  In the meantime, if you put the heater on a slight angle you may well find him perched on the top of that, as my old boy used to.  Sorry if you already know all this.
Can you tell me what heater it is?  I like the size of it, although I am very happy with the Superfish Nano 50W, and now have six of these little heaters for my boys.
What is the plant on the right please?
Just for my info., as I work more in Litres, it is about 9.5Litres, so quite a bit smaller than the tanks I use, but he does look content.
Also, where are you located?  Can you put it into your profile
I've been debating whether or not to pick up some IAL for him. I've never used them before, but I've heard they help to lower the pH naturally (our water is very hard with a high pH). I think I'll order some online and try them out.
The heater is a Tetra 50w & I'm pretty happy with it so far. It's not adjustable for temperature, but it has been keeping the water at a steady 78 degrees (F). Milton has actually been sitting on the suction cup ledge between the heater and the glass, so he's created a little lounge already! 

The plant on the right is a micro sword (lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae). It's the only plant that won't outgrow the tank eventually.
I live in the California bay area about 1 hour south of San Francisco. Looks like most of the members here are over in the UK. I'm excited for my first trip to England this summer as I'm 1/2 British!

Does anyone have a good suggestion for a small floating plant? I know milton would love to build some bubble nests.
Welcome back.
Familiar with the heater. My CT, Bulldog Fred does the same.
He's not plain, he's a looker.
Small floater? Frogbit?
Nice set up for a nice betta.  :D   For a floating plant -- you could do duckweed, frogbit, salvina, dwarf water lettuce, riccia, or watersprite(although this last one gets larger than the others)
3fshys said:
He looks just like my old boy, the first one at the bottom left of my signature.  I am picking up some "Betta Spa" for him today, then I am planning a tank of his own for his retirement
  Will of course post pics for you all.
Tank looks nice and clean, can you get hold of some IAL - Indian Almond Leaves?  The Bettas love the water with these in.  He will also be happier when the plants have grown a bit as mine hang in them near the surface to breathe and chill.  In the meantime, if you put the heater on a slight angle you may well find him perched on the top of that, as my old boy used to.  Sorry if you already know all this.
Can you tell me what heater it is?  I like the size of it, although I am very happy with the Superfish Nano 50W, and now have six of these little heaters for my boys.
What is the plant on the right please?
Just for my info., as I work more in Litres, it is about 9.5Litres, so quite a bit smaller than the tanks I use, but he does look content.
Also, where are you located?  Can you put it into your profile
I've been debating whether or not to pick up some IAL for him. I've never used them before, but I've heard they help to lower the pH naturally (our water is very hard with a high pH). I think I'll order some online and try them out.
The heater is a Tetra 50w & I'm pretty happy with it so far. It's not adjustable for temperature, but it has been keeping the water at a steady 78 degrees (F). Milton has actually been sitting on the suction cup ledge between the heater and the glass, so he's created a little lounge already! 

The plant on the right is a micro sword (lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae). It's the only plant that won't outgrow the tank eventually.
I live in the California bay area about 1 hour south of San Francisco. Looks like most of the members here are over in the UK. I'm excited for my first trip to England this summer as I'm 1/2 British!

Does anyone have a good suggestion for a small floating plant? I know milton would love to build some bubble nests.
Yes IAL are great, highly recommend them.  I will in due course let you all know how my old boy gets on with the "Betta Spa" as this is a combination of ingredients that I hope will improve his health in his old age.  Just bought some Amano shrimp to clean the bottom of his retirement pad ;)  First time I have had shrimp, they seem to want to eat all the time!
Thanks for the info., re: the heater, I think I will stick with the ones I have as I prefer to be able to adjust the temperature on them.  Ah yes, re: the suction cup, they usually find a place like that :)  I use food clips to stick the IAL too and often find them resting on those.  You can of course just throw the IAL in the tank.
I will look up that plant, thanks.
I think I have been where you live for work sometime ago, I have also been lucky enough to work in San Francisco too :)  Where are you planning to go when you visit the UK in the summer?  You will of course need to visit some fish shops, just for fun ;)
Wild Betta suggests some good options, I have used the water lettuce and the Bettas liked that.

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