Mikeo's New Project


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
Bishop Auckland
I thought I would start a diary of my new project. It is going to be quite slow, so sorry!

I will start with today - Day one. Taken delivery of the tank.

It is an AC Aquatics custom made (10mm glass) 60x20x24 - Making it 472L, or 125 Gallons for the US folk, on a tidy black cabinet and black hood. (Pic is minus hood). Its a bit smaller than I thought before I go it (its second hand, guy told me it was bigger than it is), however it works out nicely as it would have been slightly too deep for its location had it been the 22inch depth he thought it was, so I am ok with it.

I took this photo with it placed in front of my current set up to show how much it dwarfs it (280L 4ft Aquavista 1230)!! I remember when I got that one home and said "wow, its big". Well when this came through the door it was like....omg, thats huge!

So here it is on day one - check back over the next few weeks for progress. I expect to have the swap over complete in 3-4 weeks.

Seems I measured it wrong when the lid was on. Its actually 60x20x26, so 511L / 135 US Gallons!

Stage one clean done today and shopping list put together for what I need for the big swap over! Watch this space :)
Seems I measured it wrong when the lid was on. Its actually 60x20x26, so 511L / 135 US Gallons!

Stage one clean done today and shopping list put together for what I need for the big swap over! Watch this space :)

Have been i thought i was gonna get to see more pics lol
Looking forward to it, getting any plants in there?
More pics will come... Sorry its a sloooooow project :p I may have all the rock by next weekend so might be a small update then :) Didn't see much point in having one of just cleaning the glass since the first pic ;)

Wont be any plants - I keep malawi, so plants are off the menu.
Cheeky little update.

Not finished yet though, so more to come, although the fish have moved in.

1. Out with the old....

2. In with the new....

I am hoping I might get finished tomorrow!

Looking at the first pic I should consider getting rid of the book shelf and its contents and keeping the tank! ;)

(And yes, the fish were in the blue builders bucket during the mammoth task of moving it all about!)
Looking good :good:. Is that a radiator i see near the tank?
It is. Shame its there otherwise I could have fit something bigger in :D

In the future the radiator can always be turned off, the tanks will heat the room anyway......
Well it is alsmost finished.

All I am waiting for is delivery of some new pipes so I can put a second external filter on it, so currently just running with one FX5 - Adding a 2400 - Tetratec seem to use non standard size hoses, forcing me to pay stupid money to buy theirs! Scandal! Also have an issue with one of the three tubes I have put in - Think it is the starter - hope so as ive put in a brand new 46" T8 and to get it out again will be a pain if its the tube iteself!

By Night:

And Day:

I am pleased :)

Only issue I am having is the temperature. Struggling to get it to 26.5c - Its still at 25 - 25.5. Using two 300w Fluval E heaters. Dont really want to add a third. I hope it might improve once the second filter is in and the circulation of the water is improved.
Thanks :)

My stocking:

Afra Jalo Reef x4
Blue Zebra x 4
Yellow Tail Acei x2
Lab Mbamba Lake x3
Trewavasae Mpanga x8 (rare!)
Scolofi x3
White Tail Acei x4
Yellow Lab x2
Lodo sprengerae (Rusty) x7

L137 x1
LDA051 x1
Just added some more stock today too :D

6x Red Zebra
2x Yellow Lab
4x Lodo sprengerae

Was £60 for the lot and the two yellow labs are of medium size - Was pretty pleased with that!

Decent amount in there now :D

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