Fish Fanatic
I want a pair of peaceful mid dwellers for my 50 gallon tank. I got dwarf gouramis but they seem too small to be the main fish. I was thinking about pearl gouramis but since i already got dwarf gouramis, i wanted something different.
Already residing in the tank are
10 rummynose tetras
10 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loach
2 dwarf gouramis
2 julii cory (soon to be 2 more)
2 sterbai cory (soon to be 2 more)
2 guppies
Already residing in the tank are
10 rummynose tetras
10 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loach
2 dwarf gouramis
2 julii cory (soon to be 2 more)
2 sterbai cory (soon to be 2 more)
2 guppies