Melafix/pimafix And Bettas?

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Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I have a 20 gal tank which has 2 male Betta's, a Dwarf Gourami and 4 Neons in it. (The male betta's each have a ~5 gal section divided off at the ends of the tank, and the dwarf and neons get the middle 10 gal) It's just a temp. set up, the hubby thought he'd be sweet and buy me some of my planned stock for my 30 gal, which is currently cycling, so rather than do a fish in cycle in the 30 gal I further divided my 20 gal. 
Anyways, the dwarf gourami had some sort of fluffy growth on his tail and head, so I began treating with Pimafix, The bottle stated that I needed to add 5 ml per 10 gal for 7 days. I did, but by the 5th day I noticed that one of my betta's had tattered fins that seemed to have melted together (I am very worried that his fins won't heal properly because of the way some of his fins have appeared to melt together) 
I remember reading that any sort of 'fix' don't do well with betta's, but I can't seem to find anything that suggests that Pimafix affects fins, only that it can damage the laberynth organ. (Which I didn;t know about and am sad to hear, because I feel terrible for putting my fish through it) And.. how the heck do I treat my gourami now? 
If you half dose it should be ok :) i think there is a miss-conception that it contains tea tree oils but it is actually from a different tree with a different Latin name - with it being oil based it can effect the labyrinth organ but thats why they recommend you half dose for anabantoids :) 
Plus Melafix/Primafix doesn't actually work, just makes your tank water smell nicer, best get some actual medication into the tank that is designed for fungus and finrot.
I cant speak for primafix but ive used melafix numerous times and it seems to have worked :)  not for fungus or fin rot or infections but for treating wounds caused by aquarium decor or nips etc it helps heal the damage and stop the secondary infections setting in :) 
It did work on the fungus on my dwarf, but I didn't finish the whole 7 day cycle so it's not totally gone. I did a 70% water change because my 1 male betta looks pretty terrible. I think I'll move the dwarf to my spare 5 gal and treat her by herself 
If you use it in the future just remember to half dose you shouldn't cause them any problems then :) 
They do work but they are limited in their application. They work on a certain range of fungal/bacterial species and if what your fish has isn't in that grouping then they don't work. It's sort of like flu shots for humans. They put several different strains in the shot and if you happen to get one that isn't in the shot then you still get the flu. 
Because of this I've found clean water, low stress, and making sure the fish eats are the best cures. If you can manage to get a broad spectrum medication then that's great but it's not always available depending on where you live and for some not affordable. 
I just bought the Gourami from the store and a day or two after coming homw I noticed the fungus, so I blame the fungus on the pet shop/stressed fish from moving around...
I'm really worried about all three fish (2 male Bettas and the dwarf gourami) As all seem to be gasping and very lethargic, so I feel like the rumour that pimafix/melafix is bad for them is true :/  Both my Bettas are on the bottom of the tank, Lan (My yellow male) is hiding in his ornament and refuses to come out. And Drifter, my blue and red male (Who usually fust drifts around at the surface in the filter current (Hense his name) is stationary at the bottom of the tank. Both now have terrible fins (Drifter was recovering from fin rot so his fins werent great to begin with) But Lan Had beautiful black edged yellow fins, which have since treatment began sort of melted together. I'm seriously worried that if he survives his fins will be fused like that and he wont swim properly....
My Gourami used to be really shy, but very active. It would always hide in the back when I came to sit by the tank. This afternoon it just sat there in the front at the bottom gasping, not even seeming to see me. 
I'll do another water change tonight, but I feel like I may have done irreversible damage to all three fish
have you checked all your other parameters it could be something else? ive used melafix numerous times with no trouble :)
did you say you half dosed as well :)
I do not recommend the use of any of these medications with bettas or gourmanis as they have the ability to do more harm than good.  Most of the "fix" medications don't really do much more than what very clean water and good feeding will.  Even in half doses I do not consider them safe for anabatoids.  
I would do a very large water change and try to remove all the medication from the tank as possible.  Adding carbon to the filter is usually the easiest way to do this.  Then make sure the water is nice and warm -- 82F and that all 3 have areas that they can rest close to the surface of the water so they do not have to work hard to breathe.

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