I have a 20 gal tank which has 2 male Betta's, a Dwarf Gourami and 4 Neons in it. (The male betta's each have a ~5 gal section divided off at the ends of the tank, and the dwarf and neons get the middle 10 gal) It's just a temp. set up, the hubby thought he'd be sweet and buy me some of my planned stock for my 30 gal, which is currently cycling, so rather than do a fish in cycle in the 30 gal I further divided my 20 gal.
Anyways, the dwarf gourami had some sort of fluffy growth on his tail and head, so I began treating with Pimafix, The bottle stated that I needed to add 5 ml per 10 gal for 7 days. I did, but by the 5th day I noticed that one of my betta's had tattered fins that seemed to have melted together (I am very worried that his fins won't heal properly because of the way some of his fins have appeared to melt together)
I remember reading that any sort of 'fix' don't do well with betta's, but I can't seem to find anything that suggests that Pimafix affects fins, only that it can damage the laberynth organ. (Which I didn;t know about and am sad to hear, because I feel terrible for putting my fish through it) And.. how the heck do I treat my gourami now?
Anyways, the dwarf gourami had some sort of fluffy growth on his tail and head, so I began treating with Pimafix, The bottle stated that I needed to add 5 ml per 10 gal for 7 days. I did, but by the 5th day I noticed that one of my betta's had tattered fins that seemed to have melted together (I am very worried that his fins won't heal properly because of the way some of his fins have appeared to melt together)
I remember reading that any sort of 'fix' don't do well with betta's, but I can't seem to find anything that suggests that Pimafix affects fins, only that it can damage the laberynth organ. (Which I didn;t know about and am sad to hear, because I feel terrible for putting my fish through it) And.. how the heck do I treat my gourami now?